
How do you get your daughter ready for school on time?

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My girl is six year old is certainly old enough to dress herself but she'd rather dance around until I dress her myself and she's so fussy. She's also starting to talk back when I remind her to go find her clothes instead of putting on a show for me. I can't put her in time out. Should I take stuff away from her until she behaves?




  1. We(whoever is on duty that day my mom or myself) hand my 6yr old niece her clothes tell her to get dressed and get to the table. We do her hair and tell her to go put on her shoes. We have 5kids(between the ages of 8 and 18months) to get out the door in the morning and no time to waste.The children know what is expected of them and what the consequence will be for misbehaving. Also we hang clothes in the closet by outfit so we just grab and go.

  2. Try this. Little baby is dancing around and mouthing off when you try to get her to dress. Okay. Let her dance around and ignore her. You go get dressed in your coat and stuff, get your purse and car keys, then without annoucement, call her to the front door. When she comes running, make like you're going out the door to leave and start dragging her out the door with you, even if she's just in her undies. When she starts to protest, tell her she had time to get dressed but she watsed it and now you're late and she has to go as she is. This should be enough to get her to run and get dressed herself. If not, you may have to actually get her out of the house one time to prove the point. They are a test of our patience, love and skills, that's for sure. God bless 'em!

  3. yes!!!!absoluty. She is 6 she can do it and is old enough to understand when you tell her to get dressed!!! maybe if she helps pick out her outfit the night before she would be more willing to get dressed or let her get dressed wit hyou. as far as the coat, throw the old coat away. if its not there she cant wear it! why cant you put her in time out? if this is your regular punishment this is what you need to use. and if that doesn't work you may have to get up 30 minutes earlier to get her dressed. she may just need more sleep. her fussiness may be a direct result of not enough sleep.

  4. Throw away the old coat, get her an alarm, pick out her clothes the night before and give explicit instructions on what is expected of her each morning. Tell her there will be no tv, movies, games, whatever when she gets home if she disobeys you.

  5. My 6 year old son gits read grate in the mornings. I find with him a set routine works best. We set his close out the night before and he now he has to eat breakfast then git dressed and if he dose that fast then he can play while he waits for the bus.

  6. She's 6.  You're the mom.  She is only doing what you are allowing to happen.   Every time she doesn't do something you want, then take 30 minutes away from her bedtime at night.  Also restrict her on other things until she gets the picture.  She may scream and cry a little at first, but if you let her know you are serious, then she will straighten up.

  7. Get her clothes out the night before.. also make sure it is where she can see it so she can out it on right away. and as for the coat.. take her to get a new one.. just let her choose ot out.. maybe she will get out of her new coat..

  8. My daughter was a slow poke too, until one morning I got tired of waiting.  I told her she could meet me downstairs when she was done fooling around, and it worked. She did not like being left behind while everyone else was eating breakfast without her!!

  9. Get up early to get her ready on time. When she is a sleep one night go an get that old coat and throw it away. When she ask you where her coat is tell her you don't know and she will forget about it.

  10. If she likes school, let her be late or miss a day.  If you work, that is a problem unless you can get away with being late or taking the day off also.  You pick the day to do this so you can prepare by getting permission for a probable late or missed day. You should try to limit things to just being late unless it becomes nearly impossible to get her to school after a certain time.

    If she misses school, make sure that the day is not fun.  Probably she should spend the day in her room with no TV, computer, or games.  You could allow her books that you wish she had read - especially ones about responsibility.  Unless there are not-to-pleasant chores she could help you with.  Also make sure that the note indicates the she was unable to get ready in time.

    As to the coat issue, I suggest that you enjoy that she doesn't want a new coat every week.  She must believe that her friends think that it an OK coat and may be afraid that any new coat would be judged more harshly.

  11. Tell her she has 10 minutes to change her clothes and when the time comes to leave for the bus, let her wear whatever she has on...if she is still in her pj's then tell her she is wearing her pjs to school.... I guess I am a hard parent, but I have 5 children, with three on the way, I really don't have time for games in the morning with my, I don't play the games... You are the parent and you set the rules....don't let her put on a show....why can't you put her in a time out? Give her one warning, and then I'd take a privilege computer or T.V time...

  12. The night before, you should:

    - help her pick out an outfit for the next day and lay it out on a chair

    - pack her lunch and/or snack for school

    - have her homework done and in her backpack (or whatever she brings home from school)

    - put her coat and shoes by the door

    - put her backpack by the door

    - give her a bath

    - decide how you are going to do her hair in the morning

    - decide what she will have for breakfast

    - if possible, prepare the breakfast (put cereal in a plastic baggie for her to eat in the car, set out a granola bar, cut up fruit, measure the pancake powder, etc.)


    In the morning:

    - wake her up 10 minutes before she has to be up (if she needs to be up by 7:30, wake her up at 7:20)

    - allow her to read or just relax for that extra 10 minutes

    - make her get out of bed

    - tell her to get dressed and if she doesn't, no TV later

    - do her hair

    - feed her breakfast unless she's eating in the car

    - put her coat and shoes on

    - give her her backpack

    - leave

  13. I don't know that'd I'd fight about the coat thing.  Pick your battles, ya know.

    Make a rule of no dancing until she's dressed.  My kids like to watch TV in the morning before school and I have to do a "no TV until everyone's dressed" rule.  You can relax it later when she learns to do it herself.  If that doesn't work load her up in the car in her pjs some morning (she can get dressed in the car after you get to school).  Trust me, you'll only have to do that one time.  It works like a charm.  If you have someone around that can look out for her leave her at home if she's not ready.  She'll probably chase you down.

  14. tell her if she doesnt dress herself she can go to school in her pajamas.

    my mum made me do that once.

  15. Have her pick her clothes the night before and have them laid out.  If she acts out instead of doing what she's supposed to, but all means take something away from her.  Timeouts are definitely not an option when getting ready for school, but taking away a privilege is an option.  Start with something small, but something that should make her take notice.  If that doesn't work, extend the time she doesn't get that privilege or move on to something bigger.

  16. After my six year old son is done breakfast I give him his clothes. We then start the race he has to get dressed faster then I do my make up. It doesn't always work and sometimes 1/2 way through my make up I'll find him just the way I left him. Most of the time it does work. He like to win and I don't even have to reward him, winning is enough to make him happy. I do have a reward on back up if it stops working, 50 cents will buy him a snack at school so when the time comes I will start to use that one (you would be surprised how much that 50 cents means to a 6 year old) Try something like that with a very small reward. Maybe get a oven timer and set a time for her to be done and reward her when she is. GL

  17. First of all I would throw away the old coat. She can't insist on wearing it if it is gone. Second since a time out is not feasible in your morning schedule I would absolutely use another form of punishment. But I would try some positive reinforcement first. Maybe you could make getting ready in the morning a game. If you are in your pajamas when you wake her up then give her her clothes and say "Let's see who can get dressed the fastest. First one fully dressed and into the kitchen wins." Let her win and then have a little prize like a sticker waiting for her. She will enjoy this and it should help get her motivated. Also you could try setting a timer for each morning activity like 5 minutes to get dressed, 10 minutes to eat breakfast, etc and tell her that if she is finished before the timer dings she gets a sticker and after a set amount of stickers she can pick out a prize at the dollar store, or pick a special dessert one night of the week or something special like that. These are great ways to get small children motivated in the morning. If none of these tactics work then I would just tell her that every morning you have to treat her like a baby and dress her she will have to go to bed 30 minutes earlier and will not be allowed any tv that night. A few nights of this should put an end to it.

  18. Same thing with my girl, I threw the coat away, when she asks where it is, you have no idea, it is lost.

    Getting ready for school is h**l I know. I pick my kids up from school if they listen to me in the morn and they are not late 4 school. Yes take things away, you will be the mean mommy, but oh well.

    Good luck to you!

  19. I would introduce a morning routine and stick to the same thing each morning. Always make her get out of bed the same time each morning with ample time to get ready and follow something such as breakfast, dressed, pack and off too school. If she complains or delays the process then Id be removing things that she likes to do (possibly TV in afternoons). Id also inlude reward things until you have solved the problem. I wouldnt bribe but allow her 20min Tv in afternoons or something she likes doing. Dont keep falling in her trap or she will start to run your entire life.

  20. I think your confused and you are talking about my daughter!

    But you just have to keep firm, constantly remind her that she has to get dressed. i got half way to the school once with her in her pajamas she got some funny looks and comments and she didn't like it, she's still a bit slow in the morning but she at least gets dressed eventually. As for the old coat, bin it! she can't wear it if she aint got it.

    Just try for a routine and stick to it!

  21. Does she get given a lunch box to take to school? Or do you give her a breaktime snack?

    If so, tell her that she can only have a treat in her lunch box, or a breaktime snack if she gets ready by herself, and on time.

  22. pick out her clothes at night so she knows exactally what to put on, no questions. then reward her if she does it without you. like give her a poptart for breakfast, tell her if you hurry up and get dressed you get something yummy for breakfast

  23. Your the mom and she is the kid. If you let her run the show it will only get worse. Take the old coat and throw it out. If she doesnt like the new one, tell her she will just have to freeze then. trust me she will change her mind pretty fast, or once she is out the door. As for the mornings, Tell her if she doesnt go get ready, she is not allowed to watch tv when she comes home, or play on the computer, or whatevershe does for fun after school, and just stick with it. Eventually she will pick up on doing the right thing equals rewards.

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