
How do you get your kids through separation anxiety?

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My kids are in daycare and they have separation anxiety. They have been in daycare for 4 weeks and it is not getting better. What do I do? the oldest one refuses to eat and is making himself sick.

I just got the youngest out of the hospital for "respiratory distress," he is 6 months old. I think he caught a nasty cold from daycare and it developed into something highly infectious




  1. First of all...make sure you trust your daycare...

    Then make sure the kids know they are going to daycare...time/day/pick up time...

    DO NOT Give them a false sence that you are going to pick them up not lie to them whatever you do...

    When you drop them off quick good bye!!  One kiss, One hug then leave....The longer it drags out the longer it will take them to recover...

    Make sure your daycare provider has experience ond is willing sometimes to have to take the babies from you and tell you to leave.....If this has been going on for 4 wks you have to remember that your provider is just as tired of this as you are, and will be just as willing to work out a program to get you all through this.

    You didn't mention how old the oldest is but he will not starve himself I promis.....How does the provider say they do after you leave?

    This time of year is yes unfortunatly the time of the year everyone starts spreading colds....all these kids from all over are all starting back to school...and yes colds are running rampid!!  Since your children are in daycare you may consider adding a vitamin for the oldest and talk to your dr about what immune boosting suggestions for the baby....Make sure your daycare uses antibacterial soap...and insists that all kids wash hands upon arrival and after bathroom use, and after sneezing or coughing...

    Im sure i dont have to tell you this but dont take the baby if he is really sick.....

    Look there are lots of different daycare providers....Make sure you are doing what you can do to make the transition easier...keep open comminication with your provider....and make sure you understand that anytime your children are near other kids they will have the chance of getting sick.

    MOST OF ALL  If you have any reason to believe your children are not getting the best care they can possibly get, get them out of there and find a new provider.....You can call your local school to get a list of licenced providers in your area, make sure when you interview them you ask how they handle separation anxiety, What their sick policy is and anything else you may have questions about...

    Good Luck  

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