
How do you get your parents to say yes?

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I REALLY want a hamster but I already breed guppies. My parents say they are a lot of work but I am willing to go for it. They keep saying no because I just got a kitten and I breed guppies. Do you have any advice on how to get them to say yes? It is really hard to convince them.




  1. Sounds like my parents. Try to show them that you are responsible. Help around the house, do things when asked, etc. And keep up with your other pets. Make sure to take care of them and show your parents that since you can take care of your other pets, that you can take care of a new one as well.

  2. i recently got rats do you know i made a deal thet my keep my room tidy for 3 months ( about a month after i asked for a rat and i said it was one month i had to keep my room clean for) :) and i breeding them to feed to our snakes thats a nother way i got it. hah i got a rat about a month ago

  3. YOu have to cry...HARD! Say youll pay for everything and if they dont say yes youll stay in your room and eat chocolate all your life an dquit school! Keep crying. Parents hate that. Go straight to your dad! AND CRY SO HARD YOU TURN BLUE! Especially if your a dadda's gurl!

  4. Listen to your parents and stop trying to be a zoo keeper.

  5. Another one of these questions...Aren't they getting old?

    Listen to your parents.

    You already have your hands full. And you just got a kitten. Animals aren't just there to look at and play with when you feel like it, you should really be playing with your new kitten right now.

    Now with your guppies, is it boring to you? You probably begged them for a kitten and guppies. Then when you get a hamster what animal with it be next? A dog?

    Listen to your parents, you have your hands full already.

  6. how do you bread guppies

  7. help them do something and they Will see they you can do it or bey

  8. just be like "i need to learn responsibiity, and how do u expect me to learn it without giving me a way to" and when they say u already have so many animals, just say "u know life doesnt look at you and say ok, u have enough right now, lets leave u alone, life throws in on top of you so i need to learn more responsibility"

  9. Just research hamsters, their care, what they eat, treats, toys, cages. Show your parents how much you're interested in getting one and explain to them what all you've learned. If they say yes, please be genuinely interest in keeping a hamster. They live up to 3 years, so be very sure you want to take care of it this long and that you won't get tired of it. If they say no, please do not be underhanded and ask someone to get it as a birthday present for you or anything like that. Not only will the hamster be returned but you'll be punished. Just play it straight with them, that will go over the best.

  10. do not give in !!!!!!!

    i have been pleading with my parents t get me a ferret for 5 months, and if i gave up, there would be NO hope, but because i kept on persisting they are starting to think more about it.

    good luck !

  11. show some more responsibilites! : )

    like picking up after yourself, unloading and loading dishes without being asked. && keep your room cleaned up! && anything else that comes to mind!

    This worked for me big time!

    Good Luck Hon!

  12. I would do a lot of research on the topic. Figure out stuff like where they sell them, what they need, and how much they cost. Find out if you are really compatible with hamsters, as far as there personality and yours. List the pros and cons about having one, show that you are capable and responsible enough to have, take care of, and own. Hopefully you can prove to them how deticated you are about getting a hamster. I am did the same thing today because I want one too, and they said they were impressed about how much work I put into it and they said yes! good luck!! It worked for me

  13. u can compromise by giving away some guppies for a hamster.

  14. you take them to the pet store and let them hold a hammy...its like instant love!!!!!!!!!!

    can you help me plz!!!!!!!

    click on MY profile and then go to MY questions...the first one is the one i need help with!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it's about MY hammy.

  15. i know that parents can be tough to change there mind. If your willing to put all your hard work into having a hampster, then try and make a deal with your parents. For example- Saying that if the hampster is not well treated and looked after then they can get rid of it. Or you could ask if you could get one for a birthday or later on when the kitten is a bit older so it's not as much work. Good luck.


  16. I have a fish tank, two kittens, and a hamster (I used to have two) and have no trouble at all.

    Hamsters aren't really all that much work. You just have to feed them when their bowl is empty, change the water every day, and clean the cage every week. It's a lot less work than a kitten.

  17. Aww. hamsters arent alot of work clean the cage every 3 weeks, feed it every few days (like every 2 days) give it water reguraly (idk how to spell that) and give them some attention!all there is to it!hope i help!*~ashlee

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