
How do you get your parents to see your point?

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i want to go to a concert (paramore) but my mom won't let me she thinks it will be to crazy but they aren't that big and they aren't but she won't listen or i want these red pants and shes convinced that they are for whores and wont listen!!




  1. well point one is puting yourself in their shoes, when you understand and see their point, then you understand enough and have the insigth needed to counter those arguments if you still belive they are wrong

    now old are you for instance?

    where is the consert, at what time, who will be there with you?

    i am mid 20's and even i wouldnt go to a consert alone, there are heaps of creaps in every major gathering, including conserts.  And going to their homepage as i dont know them, by the show pics they def big enough there is no way i'd send a teen to such a consert alone.

    And are you sure with the red pants its just the color? and not the style and/or fabric?

  2. May, just maybe, your mom remembers how she acted at concerts.  Did she grow up in the 80's?  Red isn't for whores, so don't let her call you one.  Maybe she was the w***e in the red pants and you look better in them.

  3. Seeing that you can't even type properly, I think your mom is right.

    PS: so whats your point?  

  4. You and mom need to sit down and talk honey, the answers you got so far, sorry for them.

    Work it out , it's important and you will need to do this in life.  Don't know about the pants and the color, maybe she doesn't like that color for herself.

    That's neither here nor there, get her talking and don't badger her.  Tell her how much you admire her and love her too, she will see that as wonderful, you win points.

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