
How do you get your picture uP?

by  |  earlier

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i am just wondering how you get your actual picture on here.

it only gives me an option for no picture, 360 profile, or avatar,

i want to know how people have actual picture up!

anybody who could let me know would be greatly appreciated!





  1. I guess you're talking about the avatar on Yahoo! Answers.  Here's how you create one using an image of your choosing:

    You put the image you'd like to use as your avatar on your 360 page. You may already have one. If you do, you would be able to access it from your profile. Just click on your avatar (or "My Profile" on the upper right). The 360 option will be on the upper right. If not, you'd need to create one.

    To add a photo to 360: Go to your 360 page. Click on "My Page" that's near the top. You'll see your photos (or where they would be if you don't already have photos there) and the option to "Edit Personal Photos". Click on that, then you will see where you can add photos. Click on "Choose File" to find the image on your computer. Once you add the image, click on "Save". That'll bring you back to the group of images. If you want to set the new image as primary to use here, click on "Edit Personal Photos" again. Click where it says "Set as Primary", then click "Save.

    Then to use your 360 image here for your avatar, go to your profile (Click on your avatar or click "My Profile" on the upper right of the page), the click on "Edit my info". Scroll down to where you choose what image you want to use and choose the 360 one. Then click on "preview" and "OK".

    Keep in mind that sometimes, after following all the steps, the 360 image can appear right away, or can take 2-3 days... but it will eventually appear.

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