
How do you get your son (7 yr old) to stop kissing on lips and using bathroom words?

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My son says the cutest things and he loves me to death. Right now he is so obsessed with saying, "mommy im going to kiss your on the lips". He does this to my bf too, "im going to kiss you on the lips". He tries to kiss me passionately. At first i thought it was funny b/c he will say "mommy im going to marry you one day". I know this is normal but the kissing on the lips thing is driving us crazy. He will also say things like "mommy is he g*y for kissing other boys". I dont know what to do anymore. He also uses alot of bathroom words like "p***s" "v****a" and "f**t". Im so tired!!! Oh...and he continually says , "mommy you are so s**y". Its very embarassing!!




  1. He'll probably grow out of it.  If he doesn't, open an account for him at Victoria's Secret.

  2. ROFL i was like that as a kid.....minus the language and calleng my mum s**y....i always askd my mum to marry me haha! and on the lips thing....makes me shudder now HAHA! my mum just told me to stop as a kid she said its not normal.

    i took it easy and yes im glad it stopped.

  3. so where is the 7 year old picking up these words because at that age they only repeat what they hear  cut off the source

  4. Awwww that so cute try telling him its not always right kissing anyone on the lips it somewhat wrong because you can get somebodies germs and infection.

    As far as i can tell you son is extremely smart and i believe he will learn when you tell him the facts about kissing people on the lips.

  5. tell him "no no sweety only your daddy can do that"

  6. Tell him that he will get coodies if he kisses u =] ....thats wat i told my nephew n he stopped...n for the poddy words...tell him they r not nice words to use n if he uses them again your going to wash his mouth out wit soap..(NOT 4REAL JUS PRETEND)...WHEN HE GETS A LIL OLDER EXPLAIN TO HIM Y U DID IT

  7. BOOTCAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I think you have to be stern with him and tell him he is not allowed to say things like 'p***s and v****a' tell him that it is very rude and it is naughty! Find out where he is getting words like that from.

    Regarding the kissing thing maybe you could just push him away slightly, not so much that he think you don't want him near you, just enough so that he can't try and kiss you 'passionately' like you say.

    Try and find out why he thinks it's normal to say things like that to you and where he is getting these phases from.

    Good luck!

  9. spank his butt

  10. he has probably picked up these from tv or from you and your boyfriend. your son sees you and your boyfriend being affectionate in a different way to him. just sit him down on his own and explain that you love him very much but some things just mummys and daddys do. good luck with this.

  11. ROFL @ "bathroom words".

    Do his genitals disappear when he leaves the bathroom?


  12. omg  hes of the hook show him when he says that hes doing something wrong spank him a pluck will do...let him knoe dats not rite and it seems like he really is into you stop dat while hes young please and tell him its not ok to kiss boys and dont let him kiss you on the mouth and 0 it  might be about the tv hes watching parental guideings and hes aloder 2...ummh hepled i hepled

  13. He learned this from YOU.  So you blame the student.

  14. Well, just explain to him that kissing on the lips is for little boys with their mommies.  If he persists, kiss him on the lips in front of his friends, they'll let him know he needs to stop.

    As far as the bathroom words, a little soap in the mouth will do the trick.  He loves saying them because they are taboo, and when he says them with friends everyone laughs.  

    Mommy you are so s**y, you could put that in the soap in the mouth category.  It is not terrible to say, but, it is innapropriate.  What if he says that to a teacher, or another adult.  It will look terrible on you.

    I used a dab of dish soap on my finger, only a little tiny bit is plenty to curtail bad language.

  15. Its the soaps. Stop him from watching them.

  16. oedipus complex anyone?

  17. He's obviously heard and seen it from somewhere. Give him no attention when he does it, and it will eventually stop

  18. kids only know what they are taught, he has seen this before, probaly from you and oyur bf, maybe tv, but kids always pick up on this bahavior, at 7 he should know not to so this he may be doing it just for attention, my daughter is 4 and she asked me  why i always kiss daddy when we go to bed, i don't think she was refering to kissing, it is very emabarrasing and it makes you speechless, just explain to him that kissing on the lips is something that mommy and daddy does not children, and let him know those are adult words, if that doesn't work try the money jar, everytime he says a bad word or kisses on the lips, take a quarter out of his jar, if he catches you saying a bad word, you owe him a quarter or nickel or whatever you want, this really works , my daughter used to cuss and this is how i got her to quit.

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