I live in small town and drive two hours one way to train in a particular discipline (Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan) with a particular instructor. I train with my instructor 2x/month with each training session lasting about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. I started training in this discipline when I lived in Michigan and wanted to continue training when I moved to Texas. There just aren't many SBDMDK studios close to my town. My instructor was the only person to offer an alternative training schedule to help me earn my Cho Dan or black belt. I love training with my instructor and feel that I put my heart into every training session. My problem is that I know I need to practice on my own for several reasons (I'm a 4th Gup getting reading to test for 3rd Gup; the only way to improve technique is to practice; the more you practice the more natural your moves become, etc...) but I'm having difficulty doing this on my own. I always think about what I've learned from my instructor, review my Korean, watch training videos of instructors and myself but I never initiate the physical part of training independently. I know that just thinking about my training isn't enough and that I need to physically train. Occasionally, I've just bit the bullet and forced myself to practice. Once I did this, I felt better both internal and externally but I get upset with myself because I have to put so much energy just to make myself practice. Is it always this difficult? Does practicing ever become second nature? Is this a "normal" experience for students of martial arts? I think once I can accept that physical training is a must and make it a part of my life, then I will no longer find ways to avoid practicing. Have any of you had similar issues? What did/do you do for motivation?
Looking forward to hearing from martial arts practicioners.