
How do you give payback to a rude little sibling

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my sister does everything she can to annoy me help!!!!!!




  1. if ur sis is unger to u , thn ground her totly.!!!!!!don let heruse nethin which she likes an wich belongs to u.........but if she is elder to u thn ud jus hav to wai for a perfect chance.....

  2. One way, but less mature, is to be equally annoying as her and she should get the message and back off. You could also just ignore her, and I know it may seem impossible, but just don't respond, she will get tired

  3. get a camera and hide it where yall r located & BAM!! play all the stuff she did over & over & over. & or give her a gift thats "in perfect condition" & when she opens it or watever it breaks in her hands & u make her feel guilty

    (?) just on top of my head but wat if it works? lol


  4. Tell them that they are adopted.

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