
How do you glue coral? anything will help i can't find much in the internet

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How do you glue coral? anything will help i can't find much in the internet




  1. There are limitless possibilities for attaching corals to rock,  like fishing line, rubber bands, bridal veil tooth picks super glue Super Reef Gel   Some corals are sensitive to super glues or epoxy (shouldn't really be used)

    If you feel your must attach them there are a number of different things you can try.

    It is always best if you are propagating, try various items to see what works best for you.  The best I found is to take a piece of rock with the coral.  That way the glues will not irritate the animal.

  2. Do you mean to adhere the coral to live rock?  At most fish stores they sell an adhesive that will attach it to the live rock, or you can use superglue.

  3. Use epoxy.  Not just any ordinary epoxy, but the one sold in aquarium shops.  This is an underwater type epoxy.  It is a dry type which you can break off a piece, knead it between your fingers and apply.  It sticks even underwater.  This is sold in fish stores that specialize in the marine part of the hobby.

    On the net, visit this site

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