
How do you go about anonymously informing an employer about an employee thats a drug user?

by  |  earlier

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This person also surfs a lot of dating/inappropriate sites while at work. Additionally, they have actually done drugs (marijuanna) on company property. My problem is, will they take an anonymous tip seriously..I know for a fact that if this person is tested, they will test positive for weed.




  1. why do you want to get that person in trouble?  I think its not your business unless he is so stoned he will hurt someone..on the job ie: a nurse or doctor..or operates heavy and let live dude!  you would be a nark....

  2. I don't know if anonymous is the best way to go. Obviously you don't want someone to know your the one who got them in trouble, but do you think your employer will take you seriously if he don't know who you are ? Employer & employee confidentiality should be good enough. I would trust your employer to not say who said it. Also.. I don't believe marijuana stays in your system long enough to be tested.

  3. If you feel the need to report, go to the HR department.

  4. Fix the problems in your own life and leave others alone.

  5. Well I guess you could leave a typed unsigned note on your bosses desk or in their mailbox, that reads "so and so" has been doing drugs on company time. Then they can do with it what they wish. But if the drug test isn't a surprise they have ways of getting around it. And as for being a nark my motto is if you don't want to get in to trouble for doing something then don't do it. I have been a employer and I would love for people to watch out for that type of thing.

  6. Perhaps you should just turn in the supervisor for being such a bad supervisor to allow such things to occur. If this "bad" person is doing such a crappy job by surfing the web and smoking pot, where is their boss during all this????

    Shoot if they can get away with that stuff and still get a pay check, perhaps you should pat them on the back!!!!  

  7. Mind your business.  

  8. Most of your coworkers will probably test positive, just mind your own business and do your job.  Unless you were nominated as the drug patrol police, and if you were then just go fire them.

  9. Most employers have a Human Resources department. That would be the appropriate place to make your complaint. If you report it and they do not wish to accept an "anonymous" report, then find out who your employer's insurance company is. Report it to the insurance company.

  10. The HR department. I work in HR myself, if you sit down and explain your concerns and tell them you wish to remain anonymous then they will respect that.

    And yes they should take an anonymous tip seriously but if you go to them yourself, then they cannot ignore it.  

  11. Not you business, do your job and stay out of it.  

  12. Report it anonymously and you may find a random urinalysis one bright sunny morning with this person being among the chosen.

    If you are in an industrial setting, machinery, heavy equipment and the like you need to report it - period - before this person kills or  maims himself or somebody else.  In a non industrial or office type setting the likelihood of clerical errors is greatly increased and it might be that correcting the errors will fall to you.  Do you really want to work with someone like that?

  13. Snitches get stitches

  14. why dont you just butt out. Dont be a lowers your trustworthyness to your peers

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