
How do you go about bubbling someone who is falsley claiming social?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 99% certain someone i know (and dislike) is falsley claiming housing and other benefits.- taking this money away from someone who may really need it!

Who do i contact to get them investigated and make the lazy git get out there and earn a living like the rest of us?




  1. Why do you have to be goodie goodie and get involved. Just mind your own business!

  2. You can do it online here:

    Or call the National Benefit Fraud hotline:  0800 854 440

    And ignore what others say about you being a "goody goody" etc - thats taxpayers' money - ie mine and yours - that they are stealing.  My partner works his guts out at two low paying jobs and is worse off at the end of the month than people who scrounge and fraud off the dole.  Go for it, report them.

  3. type in income support there u will find the number to report them-or type in benefit fraud

  4. you dont go blabbing some one else financial situations  that's just rude and not nice. ok my mom and dad have jobs but i do hate people who can get jobs but are to lazy and can't be ars*d

  5. You can ring your local council and ask to be put through to the Housing benefit fraud section and you can call the national benefit fraud hotline on 0800 854 440

    I can't beleive some people on here, they reply to uneployed people telling them to get a job, now thay have some sort of problem with people reporting fraud, go for it, report him he might even get a criminal record

  6. Call 1-800-772-1213 and inquire about a hotline.  This is the number of Social Security and you can call them and ask---but please be sure, because otherwise the person in question can file a lawsuit against you....

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