
How do you go about change...and staying positive?

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I've been saying for a while now that I was going to change my life and be a better person. A while back I had really start getting into religion and reading the bible every night. Then suddenly I stopped. I also wanted to start a weight loss plan. I never did. I wanted to change some of my ways and I am changing a bit but I know I can do better. I always start to do good and then for some reason I don't have the passion to do it anymore. How can I go about changing and staying positive? Do I need support from others? How can I be commited to changing and looking foward instead of dwelling in the past?

Also I think the people I associate myself with are holding me back. They really don't support me like I want them to, and I dont go out much to make friends so I dont have many.




  1. Well the first step is admitting you have a problem that you want to change, and you committed yourself this far. Very good!

    Next is the second hardest part, that is putting this plan to action, it sounds like you are unmotivated, find an activity that you or your friends like that is healthy and active. Friends can make the difference, even if its embarrassing at first, you will know yourself and you friend much better. After that rinse, lather, and repeat. The first two steps are hard but dont give up

    If your friends are holding you back then they are not friends they want to push you down so they feel better

    P.S. stay consistent easiest way to do something

  2. Its never an easy path when we fight to do whats right and best for our lives especially a God filled righteous life. You have the mind and heart to know you are capable of more than what you've been doing. You gotta begin with your thinking, change your way of thinking knowing the wrongs in ur life believing you want to change. Catch yourself everytime and remind urself about your ultimate goal of wanting good.

    This will affect ur emotion/feelings which will influence your decision making, which leads to your action that'll then influence your habits, which then will change your character. In the end, you'll reach your goal before you know it. Ultimately, your encouragement will come from the Word of God and praying for strength. Guard your thoughts and watch your environment and the people around you from tempting u. Its totally ok not having many friends who bring u down, but better to have 1 or 2 friends who can support and encourage and uplift u.  

  3. I admire your desire to better yourself.  For me it's a way of life.  I've had many, many personal problems to overcome.  The solution to some was a wonder drug, and others took time (some decades).  I study the Bible myself.  I recommend the NIV and an Assembly of God (or Chuch of God) church.  I can't lose weight either.  I just keep gaining and gaining.  No one can lose weight.  Either you're born skinny, medium or fat.  If your friends hold you back, then find new friends.  Support groups are great.  Find people that can relate to you.  I recommend you read "How To Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie.  It's a classic, and most libraries probably have it.

    Write me here if you want to.  Good luck!

  4. Change is very hard thing to do... to change you have to really want to. And practice makes perfect .... I find to change my habits and me in my life that I do things that make a difference.... like when I wanted to quit smoking I bought a new car so that I couldnt afford cigerettes,, same thing with other habits and some times we slide back into old habits.... just be persistances and do everything you can to change the habits you dont like, new good habits will sink in after awhile,,,And support from loves ones is always good.. going to chruch with somone that is in chruch every week helps.... giving yourself rewards for good habits is also good....

    jDwelling in the past dont help that is just an excuse not to go forward... but it takes time and self esteem... you can do it...your worth it.

    Good luck

  5. I understand you goodwill feelings, but you are right in that we do need positive reinforcement from others.  Do start evey day by reading your bible. Don't just read to be reading. If you only read a few verses,  pray and ask God to help you understand, learning will come.  It is better to read a little and apply it to your life than the read half the bible and not use it in your everyday life.  If reading the bible is new to you, I suggest you start reading Proverbs which are part of the old testament, but are just as if they were written for today. Good luck and God Bless.

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