
How do you go about changing your name in the US?

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How do you go about changing your name in the US?




  1. It depends if it's your first or your last name or both. You have to go to the hall of records and fill out a form. Then you have to petition a court for a name change. They'll send it up to Sacramento, do some paperwork. It takes about a year. That's pretty much all I know on the subject.  

  2. I think you'll have to get an attorney to do it.  They will tell you how to go about it.

  3. You have to be a legal citizen.

    Then, you go to the courthouse and get the forms. Pay the fees etc...

    Fill them out and file the papers, then you have to publish your intentions in 3 different newspapers.

    Then you go before a judge and explain why you want to change your name and swear that it is not for evil purposes.

    Then the judge gives you several signed documents so you can complete the change.

    You have to change your Birth certificate (it's actually a rider on the original) and change your Social Security card and drivers license if you have one.

    If you are not 18 you need to have the assistance of your guardian.

  4. depends on what state. i did it in florida. didnt have to get an attorney or publish it in newspapers. just went to the courthouse, filled out paperwork, had cop of birth certificate, payed fee. then a judge signed it sometime later and it was mailed to me.

    you should go to your local county courthouse or courthouse website to find the information

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