
How do you go about getting all of the necessities for a huge party?

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Knowing how to get a good DJ you want have to pay so much. Getting plenty of beer and food without wasting it or not having enough. Planning a good party and getting enough people to come to raise money and all that. And getting a good party rep enough to keep having parties more people will want to come to.




  1. i like party's =)

  2. the first party costs the most. Make sure its really good. and the next time, people will have no problem pitching in a few bucks. for beer, u need an older brother or sister.

  3. First, you make a list of how many people you want to invite, and you make an RSVP date, usually a few weeks before the actually party so you have the time to figure out how much food and drinks and things you need.

    You also need to figure out where you're having the party.  That will help you to know if the party is something that you're going to cook for, get catered, etc.

    As for buying the food, usually when you throw a big party most of the supplies you'll buy at a warehouse store like Costco, BJs, or Sam's, things like the paper goods, plates, cups, napkins, forks, knives, spoons, all those things,  You can also get the meat and stuff there. You get the soda, water, and drinks there too, it's SO much cheaper to do that kind of thing there.   If there are speciality food items I don't get them there.  Like I'm Sicilian so when I do an antipasto, (I live in NY) I go to Arthur Ave. which is known for that, so that's where I go, it costs more, but it's the best of the best and that's also where I get the cake and  pastries from.  By the way, if you don't have a membership to one of the warehouse stores, ask someone that does to go with you, that's what I used to do.  I'd go with a friend that did and fill up my car!

    If I need it catered, I go with places I've dealt with before, or places my friends have dealt with and had good luck.  If I don't have either, I go there and try the food out.  I'll order some of the hot foods for lunch or dinner and see what they taste like and talk to the owner for prices and compare around.

    As for the DJ, you get references.  You ask him if you can talk to people who he/she has worked for before and call them and ask them.  I've had REAL duds before by not doing that.  He played songs I asked him NOT to play, etc. You ask for references. you shop around.  You ask friends who they've used before and if they know anyone.  If they don't, you just go through the yellow pages, meet the DJ and ask to talk to people they have worked for. You are also expected to write out a song list for them and if there's something you don't want played, that goes under a separate heading too.  If there's songs you really want played you make a list and give it to him if and when he's hired.  If your friends give you someone to go with great!

    To get enough people to come, you just have to give them enough warning time.  I tell my friends about a month or two in advance that I'm planning something and when I'm planning it and to expect the invite.  I send the invites about 3-4 weeks before the event so they have enough time to figure out their schedules.  Summer time you have to give more notice, there is SO much going on!  

    To raise money, you just have to save your money.  Work, do chores around the house if you get an allowance, you can ask friends or family to bring certain food or drinks, etc, but you can't ask for money.  It's your party and you're the host, you can't ask for money.  You can ask them if they can please bring some food, but for a big party, that's a big expense on them, but good friends will do it.  You can ask them to bring drinks, etc. You just have to start saving your money and putting it away little by little.  It's not cheap to have parties, but friends are usually more than happy to help and pitch in when it comes to bringing food or drinks, so you can ask.

    With the food, my thing is, I'd rather have more than enough and even over than not enough, so if you think you have a little more than you need that's better than not having enough.  You never know who's going to want seconds or even thirds and you never know if someone is going to walk in with a surprise guest you didn't invite or call at the last minute and ask if they can bring someone else, or even someone that couldn't make it can suddenly make it so I always have more, you can always have it for lunch or dinner during the week or send some home with your guests! I always have the disposable tupperwares to send home with guests filled with food!

    If you are a happy host, and make them feel welcome, they WILL come back to all your parties!  Just welcome them and be happy they are there, feed them good food, don't get so drunk that they are freaked out by you, and just be social and they WILL want to come to all your parties!  I've thrown many and haven't had any problems yet and I get tons of calls for help and everything else.  

    You'll do great if you be yourself!  Do what you can, and as long as people see that you are doing what you can do make them feel welcome and that you're being yourself, they WILL come back! Have a GREAT party!  You'll do awesome!!!!

  4. Start out with BYOB and make a lot of snacks so they don't get sick,and just tell them to bring the music they want to hear

    It works !!!!

  5. It all comes down to lots of planning!

    Make a list, stick to it.

    Send invitations far enough in advance, and then keep reminding your guests.

    Where are you having the party? If it is at a hall, they might can recommend a DJ to you.

    Visit your liquor store, and they'll help you decide how much you need, based on how many people are attending. I always opt for more food and drink (rather than running out!)

    Good luck!

  6. Try this book.  Tons of great ideas about how much to get for large number of people.  Tips on decorating and things to do for a great party.

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