
How do you go about obtaining a position as a 000 operator?

by  |  earlier

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I would really like to become one, especially during the night-shift, but cannot find any avenues that will lead me to apply for this job!




  1. They sometimes have them in the careerone liftout. I applied for a job there like a month ago. just keep an eye out. or go to a st johns place and ask them they might be able to help

  2. Call 000 and ask if they have any positions avaliable :P other than that i dont know sorry interesting question by the way

  3. I'm not from Australia, but I would assume you can call them and ask them how you can pursue this job, what you need to do, etc. But don't call the emergency number for this, the should have a main number you can call an ask these questions.  Good Luck!

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