
How do you go about planting trees?

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They say it's a good idea to start planting trees, but how?

What are the laws & regulations about this? I live in the city and don't own any property... So can I just go to parks, road-sides, and public places to plant trees?

Where do you get tree seeds?




  1. I live in the country and it's in the middle of nowhere. We have miles of nothing but forest. There are already plenty of trees. Pine trees are the easiest to grow, plus they drop their seeds and new trees grow. Pine are all over my property and I have to cut some of them down. I believe that people who live in the city have no idea of how vast this country actually is.

  2. Pick the tree up in the middle. Take a good look at it. This part is important to the life of the tree; and, ultimately, to the survival of the planet. The part of the tree that has the leaves on it goes above the ground. The part of the tree that doesn't, the fuzzy end, goes into the ground. That should help. You just seemed as if you needed help.

  3. If you go to parks, trees planted are likely to be cut down, and if you plant with seeds that is almost certain.

    If you plant on private property or road edges, much the same situation. In fact you are likely to be charged with trespass if you go on private lands to plant trees without the express consent of the owner.

    So, basically the encouragement to plant trees is great for those who own land or who know someone who will tolerate it.

    Trees make farm land  useless for a lot of farming, Most farmers who want to grow trees will plan and plant what they want. I would not encourage anyone to come into my walnut grove to plant some species that I would consider a weed... a tree that would compete for sun, soil, water and produce no walnuts.

    There are always a hundred people eager to go plant trees for every one that needs being planted.

  4. u can if u really want to . u can get the necessary permission and u can get sponsers to do. that job is easy but how do u go about watering the plants and taking care of small plants till they grow bigger, like some company /sponser can take the responsibility and do it and the government can recognise them by suitably awarding their work /atleast recognise// appreciate their work ,people will come forward ,coz all like to see their sweet home safe and as sweet as heaven.

  5. No you can't go to those public places to plant trees, they are all public places where they probably paid to have the original trees removed.

    One idea for you though is to go to your local county forestry or state DNR office and find out where in the county or state they may be planting trees and when.

    You could either take some days off to volunteer free labor to plant on government forest land or possibly pick up a contract to plant a specific plot for pay.

  6. Contact your local school district and see what their needs are, and whether you can make some sort of arrangement to provide trees for their campuses.  They would probably want trees in1 or 5 gallon sizes.  You could grow the trees to these sizes from seed even if you don't own property.

    You don't say where you live.  Below is a link that I know that works for where I live in California.  I'm sure there are a lot more where this came from.

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