
How do you go about reporting a child who is smoking pot at lunch time during school?

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What would you do if your 15 year old son told you he knows 2 kids in his class who he has seen smoking weed during lunch on a ally way, and your son told you about this?




  1. Contact the school IMMEDIATLEY!! They might influence him into smoking weed if you don't do it soon! They will get expelled and it will be best for the rest of the kids at the school.

  2. Don't report the students. Marijuana use is common at that age: fifty percent of students will have tried it by the time they graduate. You will only get them into trouble without accomplishing anything, since the school will have to punish them and their parents will probably do so as well, but they will continue to use the marijuana. It quite simply is not productive to do so. And if the law becomes involved, through for example some kind of search operation, the children could be seriously hurt.

    (Note that I'm by no means condoning the behavior of the students here, merely pointing out that reporting them would not be in their interest, or that of the other students, who are well aware that such activities occur. If they are anything like we were at that age, they will merely laugh at the idiot adults who freak out over a bit of pot use and identify with the kids who were disciplined.)

    Do talk to your son, and keep in close touch with him. Make sure that he's familiar with the dangers of marijuana -- that while it seems at first a benign drug, it is addictive for 15% of the population, that first use can lead to habitual use that will have a serious negative effect on one's life as well as leading to the use of hard drugs with possible addiction and death.

    Finally, tell him that while you want very much to know what his peers are doing in general, and that you hope he will always come to you if he thinks another child is in danger or is endangering someone else, he must not rat on his friends. Give him some examples, and ask him to think about the conditions under which it is acceptable to report someone to the authorities. A friend who is being beaten or abused by his parents? A peer who is selling drugs? A peer who is suicidal? Help him come to a better understanding of where the line is drawn.

  3. i would stay out of it myself as long as he is not doing it

  4. just ignore it. dont try to work with the system.

  5. Tell The Principle.

    Make A Meeting To See The Principle, Maybe After School, And Have Your Son Come With You So You Don't Get The Names Wrong, Or Something.

  6. I'd tell him if he doesn't like it he can ignore it.  Then I would ignore it myself.

  7. Contact the school and tell them that your child told you that some of the school kids are smoking marijuana in that particular alley at lunch, then wait and see if they catch someone.

  8. how about you tell your son to ignore the two

    kids and let them smoke... they're not hurting

    anybody... wtf is up with people?

  9. I'd tell him that if he wants to tell the teachers about it then go for it. Otherwise I'd just encourage him not to befriend those kids and make sure he wasn't using drugs himself. I wouldn't get involved in it personally, it could just be teenagers saying they're going to smoke pot to look cool or rumors that other kids are spreading. I'd mind my own business and worry about my own kid, not anyone else's.

  10. I would talk to the school's police liaison, if they have one.  If not, talk to a school administrator.  They will take it seriously because they don't want drugs in the school!

  11. Why would you do that? Have they assaulted anyone? Have they prohibited anyones well being? Of course not. Its not any of your business nor your sons. Let it go or I'll alert the authorities that you came to a rolling stop on Main St. yesterday.

  12. can tell him to ignore it and go on with his day (because he will see and know about a lot of this as he is growing up)


    you or he can report it and he will get his *** beat and be looked at as a snitch (kids in school always find out who the snitch is)

  13. where i used to live when the principal found out kids were doing illegal stuff they were over the nuns laps pats and undies pulled off all the way and spanked with the hand til they cried and there backporch was red then they got timeout for 15 minutes and if they touched there but they got extra

  14. isn't school out? if not for you then tell the principle.

  15. have a talk with the school let them know what's going on there

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