
How do you go about tell a parent that there kid is doing drugs?

by Guest65465  |  earlier

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How do you go about tell a parent that there kid is doing drugs?




  1. umm yeah your kid is doing drugs!but the achol is once again kicking in! Shoot

  2. It came to my attention that you kid is using drugs and I thought it might be good for you to know. I know this because _________

  3. Anonymously.

  4. Depending on how close you are to the kid you could tell the kid - I know you're doing drugs, either you tell your parents or I will.

  5. Well heres a few scenarios I cooked up. You should try them all.

    1) Your kid is doing drugs, thought you should know.

    2) How's your son, Is he still doing crack with his friends...oops did I say that? Gotta Go.

    3) Hey you know how some people have kids that do drugs and they don't know about it, but a friend of the person found out, and wanted to tell them but didn't know how to break it to them so they just came over unannounced.  Kinda like I did.. And then they started talking excessively and kinda hint about it. Kinda like I did...

  6. this is wat happened to me when i did drugs i started right and when i was near my friends hose smokimg his mom saw me and asked me to come inside then she grabbed me by the ear pulled me over her lap pulled off my undies and pants and spanked me till my but was red and i cryed then i had time out for 15 min still no clothes if i touched my butt i would get extra then she took me home told my ant then they started talking and my ant grabbed me by the ear took me on the changing table pulled off my pants and undies my butt was still red from the last spanking then she put me in the diaper postion then the other mom came over and held my legs to my chest cause she knew my butt was tender from the last spanking then this time i got it with the wooden spoon i was screaming and crying my whole butt was black and blue then she put me in time out i touched my butt back on the changing table same postion they held me down again more wooden spoon man did i scream then more time out finally i got threw the timeout without touching my butt then they putt me back on the changing table place me in the same postion then they put babay powder on this is were i got suspicious  then they put a diaper on me then they said if u cant afford to take care of your health u cant afford these pants till we know all the drugs is out of ur system. i went to the doctors the next day after that and he saw my butt and asked how he said u deserved it and the diaper he said good job to my mom  iwasnt alloed to wear pants the wahloe summer just the diaper cause thats how long that would take

  7. if u are good friends or something then just tell them u need to talk to them. if ur a friend of the family i would let them know. my brother was caught doing drugs and the person who told first was me and i never regret it because u can save there life

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