
How do you go green?

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I have often thought about going green to do my part to help the envirnoment. I have learned a few old school things to clean my house from my grandma that are less harmful but I wondered how else to get started. Any suggestions of products or brands?




  1. Solar power, Hybrid cars, algae power


    Science has created an unlimited source of ways to help.

  2. Get somebody to tip a bucket of paint over you or make yourself sick.

  3. Going green can be done in all kinds of ways.  The first would be to reduce the amount of resources you are using, such as energy.  This can be done by keeping electricity use to a minimum and heating and cooling bills down.  The fluorescent lightbulbs (coiled) are great choices and even though they cost more, they last much longer and decrease your bills.

    You can also do things like dry your hands on a cloth towel in the kitchen instead of using so many disposable paper towels.  

    Check labels of products that you are buying in the store and some will mention about being biodegradable or environmentally-safe.  You can also use products such as vinegar to clean that will not harm the environment the way that chemicals do when they enter the water system.

  4. you don't have to go all can be simple things...small things that will make a difference.  

    **Start by buying reusable canvas bags.  Your local grocer might look at you funny, but tell them to fill it up.  It's a great way to save some trees and start a conversation w/ someone about why you do it.  

    **Use energy efficient bulbs.  Some states are going to start requiring them anyway.  They are more expensive, but they last a lot longer and us a lot less energy.

    **Buy local.  Support your local farmer.  It's a great way to get to know your neighbor and you save on the use of petroleum, air pollution is minimal and you help support the local economy.  People don't realize how far our food travels just to get to us.  Find a farmer's market or a co-op.  Plus, this will help you eat better when you buy a crate of apples.  You'll need to eat them before they go bad so it might help you from snacking on c**p.

    **Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  The town I live in is very unfriendly to the environment.  They don't require recycle or give the means to easily do so.  I take mine to the local recycling center and even though it is time out of my life, I feel good knowing I'm helping out mother earth.

    **Walk, ride a bike, take the bus/subway instead of using your own car.  Granted it is nice to have the luxury of a car, but even though I have one, I enjoy taking the bus to work sometimes (especially on smog warning days) so I can just sit and read instead of pay attention to traffic.  Also the grocery store is down the street from me, so I walk to buy my food and because I can only carry so much I get to go more often and get more exercise and an arm workout :)

    **Take your own cup into Starbucks instead of using their paper ones.  

    Just remember YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Every little bit counts.

  5. If you want plants to grow faster than all you have to do is talk to a tree and drive an SUV. Simple as that. haha

  6. if u want 2 turn green try getting sick or plant seeds on yourself..

  7. first, make up your mind that it will cost you a little more on groceries if you decide to go organic.

    secondly, start where you are and take baby steps by spending a little green on more expensive, energy-saving light bulbs and appliances with the energy sticker on them. Also, conserve your water usage around the house by not running the faucet at full strength so as to only use what you need when washing your face and things like that.

    thirdly, build on these things as you are able. When you are in the market for a new car, spend a little more on a hybrid.


  9. Simple fixes:

    Electronics/electricity- unplugg appliances when done with them

    -turn off lights when done and don't use them as often

    Water- Take shorter showers , don't brush teeth with the water running

    Transportation- Bike,walk,run use your car as less as possible and carpool if it is efficient

    Food- Soy milk is made with wind energy and by buying the product you are supporting green efforts- Many organic foods are dedicated to helping the environment -

    Recycling- basic cans and bottles newspapers egg shells the usual -compost bins are neat too- if you want more in depth stuff just email me!

  10. buy GE lightbulbs and replace all the old ones in ur house.  make sure it has the energy star.  The bubls are expensive, but they actually save you money because they use up much less electricty than traditional bulbs.

  11. k well i suggest go on the web and find out things, or watch the documentary where leonardo dicaprio is in it, and he talke about the enviroment to i suggest u check that out.

  12. minimize your plastic use. when you shop in a grocery if u can carry it by hand try not to put it in a plastic bag. proper waste disposal. don't s h i t everywhere. sleep with the lights out. stop watching TV. Stop downloading Porns. Stop using pesticide, insecticide, fertilizer, use your s h i t or animal manure instead. use your fireplace instead of heater. Stop believing all the lies they said that earth isn't crushing into Pisces. stop covering someones s h i t.
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