
How do you go make a report on a police officer for false information and rudiness? ?

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Daughter was in a car accident, the police officer did not introduce himself and questioned while she was in the ambulance unable to see who he was. He did not ask her nor the other passenger in her vehicle any questions about the accident. He had only asked the other driver and her passengers their side of the story. Daughter and the other passenger in her vehicle was rushed to the hospital. Police officer came up to the hospital to give my daughter a ticket for running a red light. When we picked up police report the report it stated there were no injuries involved. On ticket he states that it was dry out when it was raining. Can someone let me know how you file report on a police officer for a false report?





    2. If the two were in the ambulance, this is why he stayed away so the medics could do their job efficiently and effectively.

    3.Running a Red light. Can tell who was at fault by testimony of other driver and witnesses to accident.

    4. No injuries involved. What is written because we cannot nor do we cite an injury as an accident unless death involved. By citing injury you open up Pandora's Box as to how did you make that determination?

    5. Dry out can be changed as you stated because it may have been when he got to hospital. Should have noted conditions as scene of accident (Dry Rain etc)

    The question of how do you file a complaint is to go to the precinct and see the shift commander or precinct commander. Explain to them your feelings about rudeness and false reporting?

  2. Call your local force, Ask to make a complaint, it will be passed to a duty Inspector, who has a duty to look into this, if you are not happy with this Write to the professional standards department at the headquarters of the force involved.

    If you want to send this to the IPCC Independent police Complaints commission then they will expect you to have gone through the process above.

  3. Here's how you do it.

    You ask someone you've never met on Yahoo! Answers for legal advise.

  4. Call the police station & ask for a supervisor.  Explain to them what happened & go from there.  I hope your daughter is okay.  Good luck!

  5. You go down to the office and ask who you make such reports to. You'll probably be routed to a patrol or traffic supervisor.  

  6. The officer has no obligation to introduce himself, although it is a courtesy to do so. If your daughter was injured so severelyy that she needed to be "rushed" to the hospital, he did her a favor by not delaying the transport. You may not know the entire story on taking statements. Although he probably should have taken a statement from your daughter and/or passenger, other evidence at the scene and from other unknown (to you)witnesses may have given him reason to believe that she ran the red light. As for the mistakes on the report, they can easily be corrected by his supervisor if need be. Was it raining at the time of the accident, or did it start to rain afterward? Had it rained before the accident and then quit before the accident. The question is; was it raining at the time of the accident? The no injury mistake is a matter of checking a different box. If the accident was her fault, and if the other people were injured, it may be to her advantage to leave it alone. She would be liable for any medical bills that they incur. The officer DID NOT file a "false report". He filed a report with some mistakes. Contact his supervisor and ask for the report to be corrected. My guess is it will be done to you liking if there are, in fact, mistakes.

  7. i would consult a lawyer,

  8. I think you can go down to your local police station and do it there. Also, in my area, they have complaint forms online. If you really want to cause a stir, contact your local media outlets (i.e. newspaper, news stations, raido stations) they should have a field day with that. But it might cause a big stir so you never know!

  9. You can call down to the station to register a complaint, but honestly that's probably not going to do any good, but it's a start.

    You could contact your lawyer about suing the police station, which will have more affect on the cops status, but you'll probably be wasting your time and money.

    I think the best thing for you to do would be to count your blessings that the cop did that, plead not guilty to the ticket, go in and fight it siting that the cop obviously had his information wrong and prove that it was raining and show the medical bills from the accident.  You will get the ticket thrown out of court for not being filled out properly and calling into question if the officer was even writing up the right incident.

  10. With difficulty

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