
How do you go up levels??? How do u get points???

by  |  earlier

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i just started and i was wondering how u went up levels and points and stuff! well please tell me thx!!




  1. The more questions you answer, the more points and the higher the level you get. You get 2 points for each question you answer and 10 bonus points for each best answer. BTW...every time you ask a question they take away 5 pts.

  2. the more questions u awnser and well then you will get more points its actually quite cool!!!!

  3. ez,

    answer, and vote

  4. you get points by answering questions and by getting voted for #1 answers that are 10 points each if you get #1. Go into answer section and you can pick the ones you want to answer. I only have about 6 #1 in the last few days, but I have met some really neat people who E mail me to talk and that is what I like most about it.

  5. you see in the corner up there in blue? click help!

  6. how i think?

  7. fort answering you get 2 points.votong you get one point.if youre answer is best answer yo get 10 points.if you ask q  question you loose 5 points.250m points to get level 2.

  8. The more questions you answer, the more points you get. This is how you get points:

    You get 1 point when you log in( once a day. If you log out  and then log back in on the same day, you get no points after that. I've tried).

    10 points once your answer to a question, is chosen as best answer.

    2 points for answering a question.

    1 point for voting for a best answer.

    3 points for choosing the best answer to your question.

    This is how you get no points:

    -5 points for asking a question

    0 points for voting no best answer

    -2 points for deleting your answer

  9. basically,

    ans more qns ; you gain pts

    ask more qns ; you minus pts

    at different stage of points, you get a level up

  10. You get 2 points for answering questions, 10 for getting your answer chosen as "best answer", and 1 for visiting the site (can only get this once a day).  You "spend" 5 points each time you ask a question.  You move up a level when you reach a certain number of points.  For details, check out the link below:

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