
How do you greet deaf people and what is the proper conduct?

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I am 16 years old and I will be meeting my boyfriends parents and brother soon but his parents are deaf and I dont know any sign language. How do I greet them and is there a certian way I should act? I want to make a good impression. Thank You.




  1. Why aren't you asking your boyfriend if they read lips or use sign language, or the best way to address them?  He's the one to ask for pete's sake!

  2. Look straight at them when you talk with them.  They might have learned to read lips.  Just talk as you normall would.  Do not raise your voice as shouting would do nothing to make them hear you.  Be polite as you normally would be with anyone.  You might ask your b/f to teach you some sign language ... just a couple of simple things.  Deaf people are the same as everyone else except for the fact that they cannot hear.

  3. I know fluent sign because I'm hoh (hard of hearing) but just treat them as if you would wanna be treated, im sure they can read lips, but i might be fun to learn a little bit of asl (american sign language) before going!! you can go onto  to learn some signs! trust me they will like it alot. dont worry you will be fine! just be yourself! and if you have any questions about his parents (asside from the deafness) dont be afraid to ask your boyfriend im sure he will be helpful!

  4. Good for you for wanting to make a good impression.  I can just tell that it will go great.   The others have made some great suggestions.   Just smile!   Look right at them and make good eye contact.  That goes a long way.    If your bf's parents don't read lips, your bf will interpret for you.    Enjoy your visit.

  5. They might not know sign language but a lot of deaf people can lip read.. so make sure you have eye contact and that you say what you say in simple words and move your lips ..don't mumble. then probably they can lip read.. and if not.. show gestures. use body language a lot.. if there is a misunderstanding..  have a piece of paper and a pen ready and you can make a more difficult question clear... but if you smile. hold out your hand after your friend introduces you and say your name.. they will be able to lip read your name.. you shake hands.. with both and smile ..  that is the introduction..  they can lip read a name .. besides your friend will have told them about you.. xx

  6. Hi. You want to treat a Deaf person like anyone else. When you meet them, shake their hand and smile. Maybe before you go, your friend can teach you how to fingerspell your name or show you a few basic signs or phrases like "nice to meet you". You could also check in your library for an ASL book or video. There are also a lot of good websites to try. I like ASL broswer.

    Unlike a lot of people said, NOT ALL DEAF PEOPLE READ LIPS. And even if they can, they may not want to. Try to show them respect and not over pronouce your words or screm at them. They will appreciate any kind of signing you do; the most important thing is that you try.

    Be yourself, don't get too nervous, and just remember that your boyfriend's parents are going to make it as comfortable for you as possible, so just do your best.

  7. when i was in asl, they told us to just treat them normally, and make sure to not try and sign if you dont know how to because its rude i guess just use normal gestures?  maybe they can read lips?

  8. Use your hands alot, you dont have to actually sign to them.

    When you say hello, just like put ur hand up (without waving) but as if your waving hello.

    When you talk just make sure your pronounce your words well and dont mumble. They will probably lip read.

    Have a look on the internet, you can find somet simple signs like, thank you, yes, no etc..

    hope ive helped a bit


    Perth WA

  9. Just say hello and shake their hands.  They could possibly be able to lip-read (you could ask him about that).  In fact, you should speak to him about this anyway - sometimes people are registered as deaf, but with a hearing aid they can hear better or they can lip read so will be able to understand you, but their own speech could sound slightly different as if someone is completely deaf, they can't hear how they sound when they speak, so it can take some getting used to.

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