
How do you grow an avacado?

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I saved the seed from the avacado and placed it halfway into a cup of water with the pointy side up and it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

Am I starting it the right way or is there a better way to do it?




  1. Stick 3 toothpicks into it around "the equator" so that you can suspend it in a glass of water, round side down.  This way, less than half the seed is in the water.  Keep the water glass filled and the plant on your kitchen counter (not right in the hot sunny window).  Have patience.  It can take 4-6 weeks but you will eventually get a good bunch of roots.  Then you can plant it in a pot with some rich soil.

    I seem to be successful only about 1 in 3 in getting them to grow long term but once they take root, they can really produce.

  2. You should stick three toothpicks about 2/3 the way down the side and suspend it in a cup filling the water to cover the bottom 1/4 of the avocado. It will not sprout for 6-8 weeks and you must keep the water at the same level. The avocado tree will grow well indoors but it will never bare fruit unless it is pollinated by other fruitful trees.

  3. If you go out on and search on "grow avocado from seed", you will get all kinds of sites that give very specific directions on not only how to put the seed on the glass, but when to plant, when to pinch off, even how tall and if it will ever bear fruit!

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