
How do you grow asparagus?

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do they grow from seeds or bulbs?




  1. they grow from a crown which gets bigger as the plant gets bigger, after a few years you can split the crown to make more can grow from seed but takes a few years before you can harvest anything, best to buy a crown and start quicker. good luck

  2. seeds

  3. more tips here

    happy growing

  4. Allow more space than you think you'll need, becase your bed will expand each year.  Use pleanty of mulch, but not too much fertalizer because you want to encourage root growth for the first few years and discourage weeds.

    I located my bed close to the compost pile; protected from strong winds and rototilling.  The "Martha Washington" variety worked for me in Elk Grove, California,

    Technically, I think they grow from crowns.    

  5. They grow from bulbs but take two to three growing seasons (2-3 years) to get going and produce a decent crop. The bulbs are fairly expensive but over a period of 10 years when we had them we more than got our money back with what we harvested.  

  6. seeds in spring or crowns in autumn.

    both take a few years to produce.

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