
How do you grow vegetables if they dont have seeds?

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if they have seeds wouldnt they be considered a fruit?




  1. You can cut it and sticks some toothpicks in it. Then you put it in a bowl of water.

  2. I get extra tomato plants from cuttings rather than seed.  They root easily in water and can be transplanted to soil.

  3. Inside tomatoes, peppers you find seeds.  If you grew lettuce or carrots longer than normal a shoot would grow in the middle with seeds.  While some of today's vegetables have been hybridize so that they will not grow true, all vegetables have seeds.

  4. all plants have seeds.

  5. Most vegetables have seeds.

  6. Most all vegetable plants have seeds.  So do all fruits.  

    Tomatoes are  a fruit--their seeds are inside. Cucumbers, squash and pumpkins have sees inside.  Beans ARE the seeds--that's the part we usually eat--that and the seed pods (like green beans.) When we eat corn, we are also eating the seed of the corn plant. We eat a lot of seeds like this.  

    Potatoes and carrots have seeds also. In carrots, the seeds are in the flowers, which no one ever really sees because we pick the carrots before they flower--and we eat the swollen orange roots. Same with potatoes, turnips, parsnips, beets, radishes and other root crops.

    Broccoli and cauliflower are the FLOWERS of the plant--and if you don't pick them, they will make seeds as well.

    Onions also have seeds, but we usually grow these by planting very young bulbs--which are the root of the plant.

    Lettuce and all other greens also have seeds. You eat the leaves of the plant before they flower--so you rarely see them make seeds; but again, if you leave them long enough without picking, they will make seeds eventually.

    If you go to a garden store you can usually see all varieties of vegetables for sale as seeds. Some vegetables are grown faster and better by not using seeds--such as potatoes. It's a lot faster to grow them by cutting up the "eyes" of the potato itself and planting those. You can also grow carrots and turnips and other root vegetables that way.

    I can't think of any vegetables that don't have seeds. It's just that we don't always USE the seeds for food. And it's not the difference between vegetables and fruits--all fruits also have seeds--even "seedless" watermelon (their seeds are simply smaller, white and usually not as noticeable).  if a fruit is labeled "seedless" (such as grapes or navel oranges) they are usually grown by grafting a branch of a seedless one onto the base of a regular one.

  7. All plants, vegetables, fruits, etc. have seeds UNLESS THEY'VE BEEN HYBRIDIZED.  That's where botanists

    cross pollinate one plant with another to create another plant.

    Those sometimes have seeds, but if they do and you plant

    them they will revert back to one of the original  parent plants.  If you have vegetables without seeds, they have to be  hybrids. You can always try buying A PLANT, a vegetable plant already growing in a pot.  That's what I do, if you can afford it its quicker than trying to grow by seed.  Of course, if you live in the South, it's probably not too late to plant certain vegetable seeds.

  8. Cuttings.

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