
How do you guys feel about the school shootings?

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it makes me sad




  1. Teachers should be allowed to carry guns!

  2. It makes me surprized that no-one wants to take guns out of American society.  It would seem a simple way to prevent the future shootings that will inevitably happen because one crazed fool has access to a gun.  In societies where there are not guns freely available, teenagers still get violent and want to lash out at society or whatever, but they only have access to thier fists so generally just punch someone - not great, but a whole lot better than giving them access to guns to kill people with.

    BTW DASHLOC4 - I live in Europe - Ireland as it happens - where guns are ILLEGAL - we cannot have a gun.  End of story.  And there are no shootings.  It seems pretty clear to me that if you allow people to have guns then people will end up dead.

    I do not know where you get your 'statistics' from.  From wishful thinking on your part maybe.

    AND to everyone else - how come I get a bunch of 'thumbs down' just for saying that maybe guns should not be freely available?!?!  Come on - guns are specifically designed to KILL people - they have no other purpose, so why not get rid of them?  It seems a sensible idea to me, and one that the rest of the world manages to control guns to varying degrees, so why do I get a thumbs down just for suggesting it?

  3. I'm against them.

  4. It makes me happy..........Well, really. What do expect us to say in answer to that question?

  5. Its bad, America has poor gun control everyone can have a six shooter.

  6. of course it makes people sad, how horrific do you have to get, these are children...

  7. It makes me very sad and scared. I want to be a college history professor, but with all these horrible shootings happening it just scares me and makes me rethink things a bit

  8. I don't think people should do it. "rolls eyes."

  9. Blah Blah Blah you have not kept current on the rate of violence in Europe or the increase use of firearms by teens ther.

    The only people in Europe that are not armed are the good guys. The bad guys; by nature, ignore gun control laws like they do every other law.

    In America school shootings have gone down and are rare. I know this runs against what you are lead to believe by the rectangular god known as TV but it is true.

    Instead of removing guns from the hands of the intended targets, why not allow anyone who is licensed to carry them in schools and colleges.

    The prediction of wild West style gun fights did not materialize on the streets why would they happen in school?

    The only affect gun control has is to disarm victims and make they more pliable prey.

  10. I found some stats on gun deaths in children - from 2002 but cant imagine things have lessened since then and there were 278 times more children killed in a single year in USA (over 5000 children) compared to UK (less than 20). The population is only about 6 times more so that must say something about the availability and easy access to guns causing more deaths.

  11. very bad and sad

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