
How do you guys feel about vaccinations in infants??

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I was just wondering because i know there has been evidence that has linked certain types of autism with the vaccinations received as a baby. i have been told that if you space out the vaccinations and not give them all at once then the risk for autism is lower...? whats your take on it?




  1. As a special educator, specializing in  autism, with a specialized degree in that area,  and  being a mom of an almost 6 month  old boy I had a lot of questions about vaccinations and  autism.   Autism  is a genetic disorder, centered in the cerebral cortex specified to a cell called the perkingi cell.  There is evidence that shows that although it is a genetic neurological disorder it does take an environmental factor to bring it out.  As for the immunizations, back in 1991 the CDC has taken out the questionable thymerasol preservative that was mercury based.  If you had a child previous to that year, they might have gotten the shots containing that preservative.   However,  all studies show that there is NO direct link to that  preservative and if  you see the number of cases  that are currently showing up in comparison to the numbers in previous years, before the preservative was taken out, why are they  numbers growing so much and why are the children that are being diagnosed are so young.  I had lots of questions before  getting my son  his  immunizations, but after much research, I decided  it was better  to have  him vaccinated  than  not to.

  2. Hope you don't get attacked to hard for this question and not just blindly listening to your local pharma courted physician and pediatrician.  I have read a host of books, scoured the net and decided NOT to immunize my daughter, much to the disapproval of my family who are all in the medical field. It seems to me that the risk of not having her vaccinated is that she will get a disease, which will (in most cases) works it course or be treated, unless she has complications or is genetically pre-disposed.  however if I get her vaccinated I have NO CLUE what is going to happen to her.  Not the kind of Russian Roulette I am willing to play with my daughter.  Which is sad, I wish they would get their act together as in the end it is the kids who are being hurt.

  3. I personally dont feel strongly either way- BUT- my friend has twins who were vaccinated with the same shots at the same time and one twin is autistic, the other is not.

  4. I'm comfortable with vaccinations. It's the right choice for us.  I think spacing it out is fine, we've done that w/ a few of the shots.  

  5. This is such a complicated and controversial question.  I've done tons of research and am still not completely decided on what to do.  Make sure that whatever decision you make, you make it from doing your own research.  Everyone has a different opinion. Most Dr.s and nurses will tell you to get them done because it benefits them financially, as with the drug companies.  I've decided that my child will not be getting any vaccinations until she is 6-7 months old when her immune system is established.  Google or yahoo vaccinations and make sure you know the source.  Be aware that if you decide to wait or not do vaccinations on your child, you will get the stink eye from your providers.  Usually hospitals don't like to do anything out of their routine.

  6. All three of my kids have had their vaccinations and not one of them is autistic.

  7. i dont think there is much merit to the myth... i think its something people use to back up not taking poper care of their kids... tree swingers

  8. We vaccinate but not on the schedule they want us to anymore. We are spacing the shots out more.

  9. I agree with your second answer. I am going to vaccinate but my baby will be much older.

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