
How do you handle a coworker who blatantly does nothing all day next to you?

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I am sitting next to a coworker who is working on his Fantasy Football stuff ALL day. It doesn't feel like my place to say anything, but it's really quite insulting and distracting when I know there are plenty of things he should be doing. Help!




  1. Drop your bra or panties when he walks by.

  2. I am sure your supervisor will notice the lack of productivity eventually. If his job doesn't affect your workload, I'd just ignore him. They will find out.

    If your workload is growing, definitely make a comment to a supervisor about it.  

  3. Tattle on him. Show him the error of his ways.

  4. I'm trying to finish up my work for tomorrow (end of contract). All week, I've had a guy sitting next to me today, reading a book and chatting on MSN in between playing flash games. He has a very runny nose, I wanted to grab a roll of paper towels from the bathroom and tell him to blow his f***ing nose.

    If you know who his superviser/boss is, rat on him. Or in my case, stew in anger until somebody broachs the topic on YA.

  5. Nothing, it is not your position to do anything about it.  Most companies have computer monitoring routines so someone knows.

  6. Put superglue on his keyboard.

  7. Tell him men jumping on men it is what is it ask him if  it turn him on to see men jumping on men  

  8. As much as we are all annoyed by people like this, the best thing to do is ignore him. His lack of work ethic will eventually catch up to him and he'll be begging someone else to let him work.

  9. Ask to move, get a new job, but otherwise it's none of your business. If that's how they run their company, with employees having nothing to do to keep their jobs, I wouldn't want to work there, I'd doubt for the security of my job, because it's likely the business will go under any day now.

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