
How do you handle a hiring manager in an interview who is not focused on the interview or falls asleep?

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How do you handle a hiring manager in an interview who is not focused on the interview or falls asleep?




  1. I'd bang my fist on the table, emphasizing my point and waking him up at the same time.  :o)

    Or look him in the eyes and tell him why you want the job and why he should hire you on the spot.

  2. Someone who is not focus or fall asleep during an interview can't be a manager. because those two signs show that he is lazy and also he will do stuff in want inside the store without asking nobody.

  3. Well I wouldn't want to work for him, but I would report this to the HR Department.

    HR Manager

  4. Get their attention. They have no right to fall asleep and be that rude. Honestly be up front. Dont allow someone to treat you as if you dont matter. Im sure you are better than that.  

  5. Wait till he dozes off and jump up yelling thankyou thankyou very much. I truly needed this job and I wont let you down.

  6. I would motivate him by asking him questions, what is expected of me in this position?  What is the rate of pay?  Am I keeping you awake? LOL

  7. This is just a test to see how you'll react to the unexpected. If you panic, it's seen as very bad. What you should do is have a copy of your resume and business card ready. Leave those on the interviewer's desk somewhere where they can be seen. Also leave a polite note saying something like, "Sorry I missed you while you were out. Maybe we could schedule for some other time? My number is 310-555-1212." Do that and then leave.

  8. Well since your seeking the job, you have to really tread lightly.

    Just try to be patient with him/her and when he falls asleep maybe speak up a little louder about what your talking about. then ask him/her questions

    Maybe he is narcaleptic (where you randomally fall asleep).

    That sure would be a good trick to play on a new hire

  9. ha, that has happen to me. i did get the job tho but i think he was kinda a perv and that is y he hired me. he used to always comment on hw pretty i was, weird cuz he was my boss. I di alot of staffing and it gets boring to interview all day. dont tk it personally, they r listning.  

  10. Reach over and slap'll have just as much chance getting the job........

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