
How do you handle a jealous child?

by Guest64299  |  earlier

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My 5 year old daughter recently fell and broke her wrist.

Her siblings ages 4,7,9 are all jealous of the attention she is getting. They whine all the time,cry if some one shows her more attention and so on.

Any ideas how to handle this?




  1. , I'd just handle it the way I handle all situations that are unequal but not unfair - I state that everyone in our family gets what they need when they need it.  

    If the attention is really out of control by family or friends, I'd consider asking them to ratchet it down a notch.

  2. explain to them that more attention doesn't equal more love. explain that their sister needs the attention right now to make sure she doesn't hurt herself even more (thus getting more attention)


  3. If you have an extra arm brace lying around, perhaps you can have them all try it on, and maybe have them leave it on for a while. Maybe they'll see that it's not so fun to have a broken wrist, and they'll understand that your daughter just needs a little special care to help get her through it.

    That's all I can think of. :) Good luck.

  4. Just tell them that the you love the five year old more than you do them...  It won't shut them up, but it's good for a quick laugh.  Those downcast eyes and tears are always good fun that you'll remember forever.  Just be sure to catch it on film and put it on youtube.

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