
How do you handle a loud-mouth and a cynical person?

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A person who expresses herself as someone who knows everything! And, instead of helping a person, criticize and pinpoint things that mocks a person!




  1. I AM a loudmouthed cynical person.  And I wouldn't have to be if people would just realize I'm right always.

  2. give her a mean and bad mother-in-law!!!

  3. Well i have no idea i don't really recommend that you do this but last time i met one of them i ended up cussing them and it worked but im so sorry you have to deal with that you must be so pissed at them good luck

  4. Ohh Christ, these are the people I extremely despise. I can't tell you how many times I would have liked to turn around and bash them in the face. And it is VERY difficult to ignore the obnoxious pieces of c**p. Usually I catch them saying something stupid and childish. I tell them they're an idiot, and explain what really goes on (with what they're saying).Then I tell them to shut the **** up or grow the **** up. That will usually deflate their heads for at least some time.

  5. Everyone screws up sometime.

    He's covering up insecurity, bitterness, or the like.

    Depending on what's up either pounch on it or try to get the dude to peace out.

    "You're right, I messed up on <x>, but at least I'm not the kind of idiot that screws <y> up. Oh yeah, you're that idiot. Sucks to be you."

  6. Tell her to f*@# off, and she's not so perfect herself. That's not a person I would associate myself with.  Tell her not everyone cares to hear her opinions, and nobody is always right.  Get over yourself.


    b. tel him he looks like a dog

    c            he sounds like a low life

  8. Everyday, whether we work outside or inside our homes, we deal with other people. While most people are pleasant to work with, some people seems to be naturally difficult. This kind of people can make life harder than it already is, and so, we need to learn how to effectively deal with them.

    The first thing you must remember when dealing with difficult people is that it is highly unlikely that they are going to change. So, we must accept them as they are. We are not always the most likeable people to be around either, so others must accept us with our human weaknessess too.

    The next most important thing to remember is that we must always--no matter what--stay calm and in control of the situation when dealing with a difficult person. This gives us the upper hand and that is what we want to have. How do we stay calm and in complete control? By remembering that this is simply a situation that we have to work through. Don't take the other person's hostility personally as it might actually have nothing at all to do with you. They might be venting their pent-up frustrations out on you from something that happened to them an hour ago, a day ago, a week ago, a month ago, or even longer! Some people tend to hold grudges forever.

    When dealing with difficult people, pay close attention to your facial expressions and their body language. Don't frown, cross your arms in front of you, or show any sort of negative body signals. Relax as best as you can. Breathe deeply to help you stay calm. By doing this, you are not backing down from their verbal attack on you, but rather, you are taking control of yourself by not letting them rile you up. The difficult person will quickly see that their verbal attack, which is meant to cause you a great deal of upset and stressed feelings, is not affecting you like they expected it would.

    You should not attack back, but, on the other hand, don't appear to be weak or afraid of them either. Stand your ground and don't let them push you around. Yet, don't add fuel to the fire, so to speak, by verbally attacking them back. This is one of the key differences between being aggressive and being assertive. A difficult person is usually aggressive, but you are assertive and in control of the situation.

    There are actually many types of difficult people and the world is full of them. From the busy body to the whiny baby to the know-it-all, these types of people can be hard to deal with.

    Keep in mind that you cannot change these people too. They are who they are and you have to accept that. Not like them, mind you, but accept them nonetheless.

    One of the most effective ways to deal with a difficult person is to "kill them with kindness." This means that no matter what they do to you, or say to you, you smile and keep cool. You speak to them in a calm, cool voice. Try this technique and it will amaze you how it boggles their minds every time as they don't know what to think of you. They simply cannot understand how you can be so calm and unaffected by their bad attitude.

    Source: Web

  9. By speaking with intellect and being positive. You can't change her but you can Understand her behavior. A person who behaves as such is one who knows that she knows Very Little and who Hates and Mocks herself in private !

    When you know this truth, you should be more forgiving of her.

  10. Either argue with them or tell them to mind their business or shut the f**k up. There's really no easy way to handle a person like that.

  11. Just don't hang out with that person. I'm the type that will tell some they're being too loud and that they clearly don't know everything. Just don't associate yourself with that person anymore, obviously they are not worth the time nor the effort or frustration.

  12. Are you sure she is trying to criticize you?? Maybe she is flat out telling you the truth and maybe you cant handle it so you take it as criticism.

    And if she is trying to criticize you don't give into it because she is feeding of your anger and knows what she is saying is getting to you. TRUST ME IT SHOWS!! A smart person can tell.. Just dont let it bother you and shell get tired of it and eventually stop..

    if u wanna get even with her, as soon as she starts critizing you, find somthing that gets to her and she'll get the picture

    in the end karma will get her

    karma is a!!

  13. if you can don't have anything to do with person,avoid this person if at all possible.if not just tell them to shut the h**l up!!

  14. Avoid these kinds of people.  They are poison.

  15. Laugh at them then /ignore

  16. Tell them to shut the f up

  17. Say "shut the **** up". I'm like the person you descriebed, and the really is the only thing that shuts me up.

  18. I ignore them. They seem to feel better about themselves when they are busy putting somebody down, and I won't let myself be a part of it.

  19. maybe you should reconsider your friendship with this person. if  they are someone you have to spend time with, just treat them with respect, even though they might not deserve it, but make no positive reaction to their cynical or know-it-all comments.

  20. 1) Stay away from her.

    2) Ignore her. If she talks to you, pretend like you can't hear her. There's no use reasoning with such an idiot.

  21. Well, once they have done something in front of me that proves they are a loud-mouthed, cynical person I would tell them to shut the h**l up and help the person myself.

  22. ignore them and if that dosnt work tell her it hurts peoples feelings when she acts that way.

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