Basically, my 6 year olds father is a deadbeat dad. She loves him so much and that is what really tears me up inside. He plays on her emotions and tells her that he can't spend any time with her because he has to work a lot to pay for child support and that if her mommy did not put him on child support he would have so much more time for her. (He does not pay the court ordered child support!!) She then comes home and cries and begs me to take him off of child support. I've never even said the words child support around her! I don't know how to respond to this.
I usually call him in private and beg him to pick her up. He will say that he's coming and never does. I end up making excuses for him like...Daddy had to work late. Meanwhile, she says to me, why don't you want me to go with my daddy!
He did not buy her anything for Christmas. I bought a couple of things and put from daddy on them and she was so excited!