
How do you handle a stepchild who announces he's never loved you?

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Today was a last straw. My son moved in 6mos ago after being kicked out of his mother's house (He's 20). We cleared a room and made a place for him and he had a job for the 1st 6mos he was here; then he just quit. Won't talk to us, won't socialize (like dinner). Lately been stealing money out of my purse and dresser, denies when approached. Says he's looking for a job, but never has applications; says he wants to go back to school, but he's gone 2xs previous and drops out after 2mos. He's just saying what he thinks we want to hear. Today asked when he was going to move out, things escalated and he ended up choking me and trying to punch me in the face. (His dad stopped him) I'm worried that my house and life may be in jeopardy.




  1. Here's what you need to do... Give him an ultimatium... Tell him he has 2 weeks or til the end of the month to get a job and hold it or else he has to move out of the house. If he stays, he needs to Pay Rent !

    but since he has choked you out of anger, You need to have a restraining order against him in that he could hurt you or a family member in your house.... He is NOT to be trusted Alone at anytime !!!

    He is a smoocher and if you let him run like this, he will continue his rampage...  He's old enough to be out on his own either in school or out at a job...

    I hope the best for you and your family but he seriously needs help.. maybe see about getting him some professional help  

  2. you should call the police and get him put in check

  3. kick his a** out! stealing, abuse, and ungrateful!!!! I think its drugs..pray for him. but that boy has no right to be in your home being so disrespectful!

  4. Oh God! Call the police, definitely. Nobody deserves to take that sort of abuse!  

  5. What would have happened to you - if your husband had not been there ?

    If sounds like you have a lot to be worried about.

    His Dad should do more to make sure this never happens again (or worse happening).   Without his Dad taking control of the situation - nothing will get better with the son.

    Watch your back.

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