
How do you handle delayed or no payment rendered for services provided?

by  |  earlier

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Hello,I am curious and honestly have learned a valuable lesson in TRUST...Long story short, how do you deal with a client whom you have rendered services for and somehow (even after invoices have been sent) and contact has been made in regard to processing payment, but nothing has come through? How do you NOT appear to BEG for the payment you deserve for work and services that have already been received and utilized by the client. I want to remain professional...PLEASE advise.




  1. The bridge is usually burnt when this situation occurs. I do not recommend you wait 90 days for payment. 30 days is normal and sufficient time to pay a bill. Next bill simply add on a late fee and state if not paid by a specific date their account will be closed and sent to a collection agency. You can file a small claims suit but that takes more time then most people want to spend. You can locate collection agencies that will work for a percentage of the amount recovered.

  2. I would start by sending a friendly reminder letter along with a copy of the invoice.  

    After another 30 days send another letter and invoice, but this time a little more strongly worded (but never threatening).  

    After another 30 days, send a third letter stating that if payment is not received by (date) that you will send them off to collections.  Be prepared to actually do this, though. (Check online for collection letters if you need help writing these).

    In the future, always ask for a retainer up front before beginning work for any client.

  3. File a claim in court against them.  Small Claims Court ususally works.

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