
How do you handle fierce player types of people, and the know it alls, who try to play you, or be s****.?

by  |  earlier

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I really don't like these types of people. Every now and then I ran into the types of people who are just soooo arrogant and know-it-all, and nasty, that they either try to play you out, or try to "eye" you, to see if you're a target or not, or whatever. It's totally sick.

Especially the s****. ones. I've come across people who just like have one eye on their book and one eye on me and try to figure me out, and it's so freaking annoying.

People like this really tick me off, b/c I can't stand them.

How do you respond or even handle yoruself among them if you had to?




  1. Ugh...tell me about it lol! I had to deal with people like that today...of course it ticked me off at first but then I remembered...they're not worth my time. And the same goes for you. So stop worrying about them. If they try to ask you stupid or rude questions, just walk away or ignore them. Also remember that some peoples personalities are like that and they probably act like that towards everyone. So you might not be the only one who feels that way. Also try to relieve yourself in your mind, in a journal, crumple a picture of them, then burn it, flush it in the toilet, throw tomatoes at it, lol w/e it takes to relieve your stress. Just don't do something you'll regret and remember: They are not worth your time!

  2. if anyone annoys me or i get a bad feeling, i just walk away. If for some reason i can't, i go against them. These people try to read you, so they ask questions and do certain things to see your response. So you easily don't give one, if they ask a simple question, just ignore them and think of something else. But, most people can't really be "rude" to people for a good reason. in that case i can't help. But i hope the above helped.

  3. Never judge your self worth from how others act around you. Do not live in an egocentric world. Those people have to live their lives just as you do. Everyone has their tragedy even if they don't show it. Also, keep in mind always that people in life are as they are in movies. You only see them when you are supposed to, they play their part, and then they are gone. What you see of them is what they CHOOSE to show you. It is also what you are meant in this life to see. What you see of people is the tip of the iceberg. Don't judge an entire person from just what you see and experience. You can not like them all you want. You are free to be whoever you want to be. Work on refining yourself to your idea of perfection ( the image you want them to see) and don't worry about them. Every time some idiot around me crops up, I shake my head and know that I am in a different place than them mentally and I also remind myself that if they are annoying me so much then I am probably not the only one. Even if I am, it is still maddening but you can channel that madness into writing, drawing, coming up with jokes in your head, you can even imagine horrible things happening to them. Whatever you need to to get through the experience of being around them. There are no laws governing what you can think. Only what you say and do. Retreat inside of your mind and make them so ridiculous that you just laugh every time you see them. Make them funny in your mind. They will always be a joke for you that way and not so painful to be around. Try it and let me know what happens. But never confront them because their only defense is to drag down to their intelligence level and you should at least SHOW people that you are better than that. They can't hear your thoughts but they can see your actions. Think about the person you will be always, this is your character. Always make sure you are someone you can be proud of. It is one of the hero's challenges of life. And remember, you are not now who you will be. Don't say something now that can bite you later. Be careful and think before doing or saying anything.  

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