
How do you handle/heal back problems?

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My dad gets really bad back problems. We are on vacation right now and staying at my grandma's house. Everytime he gets up, his lower back hurts. Just a few minutes ago, he was shaving and he leaned over the counter and he thinks he may have sprained it. Is there anything he can do? I feel really bad because its very painful for him. Any ideas? Thank you.




  1. Forget chiropractors..get to see a proper ortho doctor he has mri and cat scans available that can diagnose the problem and get the proper treatment...hope he gets well soon

  2. referred to an osteopath make sure it isnt thinning bones or slipped disc etc rule that out,buy a tens machine, use anti inflammatory pain killers, chiropractor  , see a dr for strong brufen and do gentle flexing exercises, and bend only at knees, also rub on gel painkiller from DR. Rest with feet up and support cushions at base of spine .hope he feels better soon  

  3. I have suffered terribly my whole life with back pain. It's not funny, as it affects every aspect of your life. The only thing that helps me now is stretching  it. After a few weeks ,you will feel the difference if you do it , every day. Also if he lays on the floor on his stomach, if someone will push on his lower back, it helps alot. Unfortunately, once you mess up your back, it stays, as your back has weak muscles. Stretching makes it bearable.

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