
How do you handle it when a female falsely accuses you of molesting her?

by  |  earlier

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Hypothetical scenario only. Say you initially thought it was consensual but later she decides to "expose" you - at the workplace, in your social circle. Do you have any options left? How would you prove she's lying?

I hope this topic doesn't cause offence.




  1. it works both ways, depending on the details which you didnt include in your scenario. even a judge wouldnt be able to decide without a clearer definiation and detail of the specific act.

    But, from teh details and question in which you do include. you would have to prove you case by justification and get her to expose her lie.

    Example: (Although not molestation) one was accused of reading someone elses emails, which in the office is also as bad, if not worse then fondling to some people. To clear the air and revive ones trust, one started damage control by aquiring the witnesses to the truth. Then explanations to the supervisor, a formal complain about false claims. Rumors in the office are actually illegal, especially claims of punishable crimes.

    In your case, i would discuss her intent, WHY IS SHE SAYING THOSE THINGS? DID SHE SET YOU UP FOR BLACKMAIL? but first off, consult your supervisor, and explain the details don't hold out anything. this will be in writing as a complaint and can be used in court and your supervisor may have to testify. Depending on how things work out. If your manager can get the truth out of her, or find inconsistancy in either statement he may/(can if he wishes) take the reports to a mediator.

    As a former counselor, I can't decide who's at fault and I can't offer more information without full details of an incident from both parties involved, and any witnesses.

    My old workplace had alot of incedents and we handled inhouse. it actually made my department closer cause we saw our faults, while learning from others mistakes. but the main thing we learned was if it happened on the claock then it's an office matter, if it occured off the clock then it should never be in the office. Ones personal life and professional life are never to cross each other.

  2. I have actually been thinking about that myself, nothing you do can be used to prove that you didn't do it. If you defend yourself you are being insensitive, if you don't then you admit your guilt.

    I would probably just not say anything at all, rational people will not automatically believe her. And you cannot hope to prove something to irrational individuals.

  3. don't have contact with minor children therefore you can't be accused of molesting. s*x is consensual only between adults

  4. Better be careful in such situations you do look like a perv.  

  5. It's your word against hers. Hypothetically speaking, if you did, you should be locked under the jail.

  6. Just say 2 words "Prove it"

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