
How do you handle people you feel dissed by?

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What do you do when you send an email to someone who knows you about something you feel is important and doesn't respond to you? You've never held any grudges that you know of before.

Also, how do you handle someone who has the phone hung up on you? Isn't that rude and disrespectful? What if this person must be your room mate?




  1. never send that person an email again and never phone the other one again. get new friends

  2. It depends - there's not enough background information to really give an honest answer here. Assuming that you did nothing wrong to warrant these responses, then I would get in touch with them and ask them what was wrong.

  3. Q1:  If you know for sure that they got your email, then you'll have to ask "why" would she not respond?  Maybe she or he is busy, tired, wants space, is depressed, her dog died, etc, there could be thousands of possible answers.  If it's really impt to you, you could call them and ask if they got your email?  

    Q2:  If it's your roomate, geez, you don't want to make things worse...I'd try to stay away from him as much as possible.  I think it's rude.  I'd give some time and find out why s/he did that.  Unless I did something to p**s them off, I think it's disrepectful.  I'd tried to gain their respect by showing them that I'm a person w/ feelings and bring it w/ them.

  4. I just found out I wasn't getting the emails people were sending because it went to junk mail and I never check that one.  Maybe you can mention it in passing to see if that person got it.  

    As for the hang ups, that's very rude and it's unfortunate if this person is your roommate.  I'd probably tell the person that you didn't appreciate being hung up on.  Then try not to make any phone calls to that person if you don't have to.

  5. The best way to handle someone like that is to just leave them alone no matter what other feeling that are involved.... Why do I say this for we all have enough problems without dealing with someone else that shows you nothing  more than a disrespectful attitude.............................

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