Today I think I had the most embarrassing moment (well, 30 moments, actually) of my life. I had to take my 16 month old to do the doctor. The appointment was at 5pm, and she was exhausted (only slept one hour at daycare all day) and probably hungry, despite eating fishy crackers in the car. Well, here we are sitting in the small but FULL doctors office waiting to be seen, and she's acting like a spoilt brat. She was running all over the place, saying "No no" to me constantly, squealing which drives me completely crazy, and throwing herself on the floor. I was so mortified! I tried so hard not to overreact, I certainly was not angry with her, but I wasn't sure how to handle it when you know everyone is watching you and judging what a horrible parent you are for not disciplining her. Do you discipline a baby for that? I don't think so. I tried to distract her, didn't work for more than a mintue or two. Tried to read her a story, didn't work. When she threw herself on the floor,