
How do you handle this gloomy time of year between now and Easter?

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A couple of good answers here. Thanks.




  1. haha good timin for me to find this question...not the best night.....BUT anyways....i just try to keep a positive attitude...keep on going to the gym cuz gets all my stress out and helps me become a loving girl to talk to and i got my family when things are hard...try to look at the postives and do the things that make u feel happy....and when things get bad just try to find that one thing that makes u happy in a positive way..........dont go to drinkin or anything like...but reading a book, writing, walk/jog/lift.....and if things get really down theres always people to help .....GOOD luck and hope it goes well for u....

  2. Plan a mini vacation in between. Also a few new pieces for the wardrobe never hurt either:)

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