
How do you have a misscarriage?

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This is the deal. Im 15 bout to be 16 in sept. Im 13 weeks prg. today and I really dont wanna be prg anymore. I dont got the $475 to get an abortion so this is my only othe choice. I really dont wanna put my mom thru more **** then shes been thru so I cant have this kid. I know its wrong but I need to do this. This kid is really taking a toll on my body and idk how much more longer i can pretend like Im not.

If you're gonna give me that "Abortion and premeditated misscarriges are wrong" then dont write nuttin cuz i already know.

If you dont know what you're talking about then dont write anything...

I need a real answer...

Just imagine urself in my position,

Smart girl, 15, Junior in high school, Im my parents baby; their youngest, I have a sister lving with me and she has 2 kids here with us and shes almost 18...

I know Ima s***w up, dont gotta rmind me just help me out A.S.A.P.




  1. It is not only unsafe but unhealthy to make yourself miscarry. Talk to your mom and tell her the truth. She will be able to help you "take care" of it. After all is said and done, get some birth controll.


    ADOPTION!!!!! having a miscarrige can sometimes really s***w up your body, esp if u plan it. it can cause infertility, sickness, and depression. you are not a s***w up you just made a mistake. talk to your mom. she might be ok with you having an abortion so she can pay for it, or she may want you to have it. you can give it up for adoption to someone who can love it and take care of it.

  3. Ok well you are smart to realize that you can't do this.. You have to tell someone who can help you out with the money to do this.  But first of all, is this a legitimate place.   Can the guy help you who got you pregnant.  ??  

    Did you call the health department and tell them all this.?? They should be able to help you somehow.  If you can't do any of the above then you will have to go to your Mother and ask her to help you.   I have teenagers and I would be realllly mad at first , but I would help my child and find a doctor that I trusted to do this.   Just talk to her if you can.  She might be more understanding then you think. YOur health is her number one concern..  Please consult her first.

    And no , there is no way to misscarry a baby. DO not trust anything you hear saying there is.. All you will do is wind up hurting yourself or waiting too long to abort and having a baby with medical problems.  

    Good Luck.

    ** ask your sister if you can't ask your Mom to help you.

  4. You can't make a miscarriage happen. The possiblity of miscarrying beyond 12 weeks is very rare.

  5. Ha, you honestly think that if you ask a question about premeditated miscarriages that you won't get somebody offended! HAHAHAHAH! yeah. right. That is a living, human, being!! That would be horrible! That would be sssssoooo stupid if you did that. Just think if your mom found out you killed your baby.

  6. STOP HAVING s*x and you cant just run away from the fact that you made LIFE and its in you... have the baby and give it up to a better home with adoption if you have to dont make the baby suffer for your careless attitude

  7. just give it up for adoption

    oh and check out:

    it will help you tons

  8. A miscarriage can harm you. Not a good idea for your own health (see, no judgement). Have you thought about adoption? There are a lot of couples unable to conceive that would love to have your baby to raise as their own. A "back alley abortion" (forced miscarriage) can kill you painfully or make it so that you will be one of those people who can't conceive a baby later in life. As much as you think your mother has been through, losing her own child (you) would be horrific for her. Good luck, and best in life to you..

  9. im a 21 wholost the chance of being a mother at 16 and hard-time gettinprego. if you dont want it give to me!!! There are lots of women out there dying to be momsand im one of them!!!


  11. if you dont want your baby have it and i will take him/her

  12. wow...

    as much as i feel bad for u

    i dont know of any way to miscarry

    and normally i would go off on u

    but i can see ur already under a lot of pressure

    please u guys the girl needs help not more lecturing...

  13. A miscarriage is a natural thing, meaning that you can't really make it happen, or not happen.

    I know you don't want to put your mom through much more, but you should tell her (unless she knows, sounds like she doesnt...) and see if she could help you raise the money to get an abortion.

    You sound like your mind is made up on not wanting this baby. It's good that you've made a decision, but is this the decision you want for sure?

    Sounds like you should sit down with your mom and a doctor and discuss options!

    Good luck!

    It's never easy to someone!

  14. if you really don't want the baby u still shouldnt get an abortion

    because i know u cant live with the feeling u took a babies life so have the baby and if u still don't want it give it up for adoption but i think u and the father should talk about it and what u guys should do

    i know Ur only 15 but i thnk u should keep the baby and go on from there

    well..................................... luck girl and just talk to someone u trust about it = )

  15. You need to tell, not ask, the babies daddy to pay for the abortion, or have the kid and give it up for adoption.

    Then, after you kill a human being use a condom or a sponge, or just do yourself a favor and get your tubes tied. Once you have an abortion your perspective of life changes, because if you get pregnant again your first reaction will be to have an abortion, and then you'll have another, and another, and another just because your ready to have s*x, but not deal w/ the consequences.

    Don't expect to get the pity answer, oh poor baby, you are insulting women who can't get pregnant and insulting young women who also stupidly got pregnant, but are dealing with having a child and the consequences.

  16. ......We really don't want you to kill yourself b/c I don't know another way for an abortion. Don't have the money, well look at other options such as adoption.

  17. Making yourself miscarry is unsafe because you may end up sterile and unable to have kids, or you could even end up dead. If you do survive it, whatever you do might not work and you'll end up with a deformed/sick baby. Suck it up and find a friend or adult who'll pay for an abortion for's much safer that way.

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