
How do you have enough clearance for your feet when poping up on a surfboard?

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I've been surfing for a year now, i use a 6'6 fish. Last weekend, i was able to use 3 other boards. 7'6 shortboard, 8'0 minimal, 9'0 longboard and my fish...

i noticed that on all boards, when i pop up most of the time, my front foot never hits the spot where its supposed to be, at the middle of the board. Like my feet are too close together causing me to lose balance and fall..

maybe i dont have enough clearance from the push up? any help would be great.





  1. First, you have to know where the "sweet spot" of your stick is at know exactly how it feels and how your stick responds when you're on it. Every board is different. Most likely, you're only a few inches off. Once you get to your feet, slightly shuffle your front foot a bit until you are comfortable. You'll know when you hit the sweet spot. It will be grossly obvious, and that's when you'll find your comfort. It'll take a few waves to find it. Once you do, do it every single time until it feels foreign when your NOT on the sweet spot. Remember, you shouldn't be thinking about your take-off. It should come second nature. And it will. You've only been at it a year. Keep pluggin' away at it, and it'll come. I've been surfing for 24 years, and never think about my take-off. I'm thinking about what I can do to the wave as it unfolds itself to me. Take what it gives you. Happy hunting. You can reach me a Mahalo.

  2. When you are lying on your board and catch your wave when go to stand your hands should be right by your chest your front foot should come right up through where your hands are placed. This is where your front foot should be. However, your back foot should be near the tail where it was when you were lying down. Don't lift your hands off your board completely until you have you balance. Remember that the closer to your board you are the more balance you will have. I you become un-balanced simply place your hands back onto your board close to the rails.

    Good luck and happy surfing.

  3. your hands should be right by your chest and your front foot should come right up in between where your hands are. When go to stand up, be sure to hold on to your board until you know for sure that you have your balance...then depending if your ride lefts or right, your front foot should be in the middle and yoru back feet should be near the tail, but don't go too far back or you'll throw the balance off.  If you lose your balance just crouch back down and place your hands back onto your board close to the rails and try it again.  It will take alot of practice before it becomes second nature no matter what size board you use... Good Luck!  =P

  4. take the time to push a little harder to get yourself up on takeoff, and be sure to crouch a little to lower your center of gravity if you stand up fully you are more likely to fall over

  5. the more spread apart your feet are the more balanced you'll feel.

  6. like the girl before me answered, make sure u keep your fingertips on  the board as u pop up. dont let goo until u have ur balance. if you still have problems, think about this. depending on which way u r going when u catch a face(or a wave) turn into the opposite side of where ur foot it setting and pivot until ur foot sets where u want it. ur feet might get a little waxing but it helps a lot. i had the same problem. just remember, paractice does not make perfect. good practice makes perfect. if u put urself in a bad habit u will get worse.

  7. It's where you are lying down on the board before you pop up, If you don't think you have the room, move back further on the board than you did before. About five inches of your leg should be overlapping from the back of the board.

  8. I used to have this problem a lot when I started surfing.

    You need to have some upper body power to get up high enough to slide your front foot under the rest of your body. Practice doing push-ups with claps in between.

    Also, if you've ever heard of mountain climbers, try doing a modified one of them. It's basically like a take-off. You hold your body up, and slide one foot up as far as you can, bringing your knee almost to your chest.

    Lastly, just think. If your front foot isn't quite reaching the right spot, there's only one way to get it there. Bring your knee as close to your chest as you can. Remeber, the initial take-off is not a hop up into standing position, you should be pretty low just as your front froot slides into that position.

    Good Luck

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