
How do you heal a cut or sore in your mouth?

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I have a little sore inside my mouth, like, at the bottom of my gums in the front. It really hurts when I eat or yawn or open my mouth too wide. Any ideas on how to heal it? I can't get those medicines cause I don't live in the States and we don't have a lot of that stuff here (Thailand)




  1. you could try warm salt-water or watered down peroxide and rinse your mouth out a few times a day and it should go away.

    Hope it helps.


  2. You have a canker sore.

    Either go to a doctor, go to the drugstore and buy medicine that has Benzocaine in it (Kanka, Orajel, Zilactin...) or soak a cotton ball in listerine (or mouthwash) and hold it against the sore.  it'll sting like h**l for the first 30 seconds, then leave it on for as long as you can (it will go numb) and that will help numb the area and speed healing. Otherwise, take a couple pain killers, sit back and wait it out...should begin healing in a day or two and be healed in about a week.

  3. put a little salt in some warm water and swish it around your mouth

  4. Use L-LIZENE!

  5. rinse with warm water and salt,  

  6. When you brush your teeth brush the sore just before you're ready to rinse. It will be painful at first, but will make the sore heal much faster.

  7. Oil of Oregano

    Olive Leaf Extract

  8. in the mouth, we all carry most of our bacteria, without going to the expense of mouth washes (which rarely work anyway ) the best thing to use is cooled water from the kettle and salt, swirl it around the mouth soaking the worse areas and spit out. do not swallow the water as you will have a bad stomach.

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