
How do you heal a wound?

by Guest64100  |  earlier

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Ever run through a dense patch?

Getting out with a huge scratch?

Did the thorn in your side

Cut you deep and wide?

Making it hard to hide

that you got swept with the tide

How do you heal a scar

that took you from having the light of a star

and all who your are

down to feeling like your stuck in the tar?




  1. I'm wondering that too. But all I can figure is talking to a professional, which I am considering...

  2. Wow that's pretty poetic.  Did you make that up?

  3. I think what you are trying to say is that you have a scar inside that needs healing and it is a grueling process... It takes a lot of energy and you don't know what to do.. Sometimes you wonder when that scar is ever going to heal..

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