
How do you heat up a plastic hockey stick BLADE?

by  |  earlier

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my stick broke and i bought a plastic blade, i wanted to know how am i suppose to heat up my blade without melting it and how to put it in the shaft.





  1. Hold it over a stove element.

  2. drag the blade along the ground as you skate... it'll melt, but they aren't supposed to last long, anyway.

  3. stove, turn the heat on low and rotate like your toasting marshmallows then use a vice of pliers to get your curve on.

    To change the blade do the same thing without the bend.

    Or use a small pipe torch.

  4. I'm assuming it's a wood stick you broke? If so make sure you cut it to where you're gonna put the blade on.

    If it's a blade you had on an aluminum or graphite shaft, and wanting to use a plastic s***w-on blade (Mylec in the states, Viceroy or Bauer in Canada) it's not gonna work. On a 2 piece composite stick you need something with an actual hosel which will come with glue on it

  5. Over your stove. Be careful.

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