
How do you help a friend going through anorexia or bulimia?

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i need help




  1. just try to be there  for them and help them get the help that they need

  2. just be a friend and support them

  3. you can show them that they are beautiful just the way that they are and that what they are doing is unhealthy.

  4. I told tell them they look d**n ugly that skinny. Tell them about how you just love guys / girls with a little bit of flab.

    I have no real idea here.

  5. ive been 5150d for anorexia. she needs help. tell her to get help or talk to her parents DO SOMETHING. my "friends" just watched me destroying myself

  6. Tell an adult-fast.Remember, your friend needs alot of help and encouragement. Keep away from "oh my god you have to stop that now!!"

  7. get them to a doctor

  8. let them know that they can talk to you.  Just give them support, but don't just tell them to stop doing it.  Talk to them and figure out what the problem is, then try to solve it.

  9. Strap em to a chair and feed em cookies?

    Seriously you are asking the wrong community.

  10. I'm so sorry it must be really hard.

    I hope I can help you. I have had a little experience.

    You should approach your friend gently but persistently. Explain that you're worried; listen sympathetically. Expect them to deny the problem and become resentful of your intervention. It is important to be persistent despite their hostility to get through.

    When you think they are going to open up and talk to you, it is important to emphasize the positive, and point out strengths and compliment talents. Be a good listener; be supportive and don't share what they have told you with anyone else. After all, you have now become a trusted person, and now a vital step in their recovery. Don't push them for details, and let them share as much as they want.

    Express your concern, but focus it on their health and most importantly happiness. Let them know you care too much about them to ignore their eating disorder.

    Don't comment on your friend's (or anyone's) body size, weight loss, weight gain, etc. Don't contribute to conversations that focus on food, body size, calories, etc.

    Don't change your eating habits when around your friend. Your 'normal' eating is an example to your friend.

    Don't give advice. Being told what to do or not to do can often provoke the opposite response, and your friend may become defensive. Set realistic goals. Don't expect your friend to recover overnight - it's a gradual process. You can't force them to stop their behaviour, but you can listen, try to understand, and offer support.

    Encourage your friend to seek help from professionals. Get help yourself if the stress of the situation is affecting you. Offer to help find professional help or go along for the first visit if your friend is willing to get help. Assure your friend that all visits with a health care provider are confidential (unless they are immediate life-threatening concerns).

    Be yourself. Be honest and share your feelings. Don't blame yourself is your friend is not yet willing to acknowledge the problem or change behaviors. It can take a person a long time to accept the situation.

    Be supportive. It's the most important thing you can do. Be with them every step of the way. Show your friend you believe in him/her - it will make a difference in recovery.

    Hope this helps :)

  11. counsel them

  12. dont ever say anything along the lines of "you look thin" or even "you look good" because that effs peoples heads up. talk to this person about how you care about them and dont want them to be hurt. offer to go with them to get help and if youre willing, promise to be there for them.

  13. Tell her that you care for her because she is your friend. You shouldn't try to scold her, because it might just make her not want to listen to you, but definitely try to influence her so that she leads a healthy lifestyle. Try telling her that she looked beautiful the way she was, and still does, but that you think she would be more healthy if she ate a bit more. Tempt her with some tasty treats that you know she loves.

  14. give them food that they cant resist

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