
How do you help a friend who is taking ICE the Drug when she told me not to tell anyone?

by  |  earlier

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NO COPS, because if i tell her mum she will hate me but if i dnt she might die or become more invouled




  1. help her by getting somethings to eat or take away the want and need of it....

    take her mind off of it


  2. You need to do the right thing which is to make sure that she gets help somewhere. Suggest to her that she call a hotline or something. If she won't then you will have to step up and take it into your own hands if no one else is aware she is using. You would feel better losing a friend, then watching one kill herself.

  3. You tell an adult that you trust. Addiction is no joke. It ruined my life and my friend told my parents, I was 18 then so they couldn't force me into treatment and I wasn't living with them but they helped me and it saved my life. I was really pissed at him at first but I'm glad he did, I would have died. It's hard but it may really save her life.

  4. All promises are null and void if she is able to kill herself.

    If she were suicidal, and told you not to tell- you'd tell, wouldn't you? She'll hate you for a while- but it's called tough love and she'll be grateful and thankful later on.  Talk to her parents and get a counselor involved, rather than call the cops on her.

  5. You tell her mom and suffer through her hating you. Her health is more important than her friendship and she may come around after she detoxes.

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