
How do you help someone who is in denial?

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My mother has been a raging alcoholic her whole life. She did drugs when she was younger too, resulting in her contracting Hep C... She doesn't do drugs but continues to drink WAY too much. Last time she came to visit, we went to a concert and she was so drunk she had to be taken to a hospital. My brother came and we had this long intervention where she admitted she needed help and cried and just went on forever. Yet 1 month ago at my wedding, she was drunk the entire visit. She managed to stay sober at the ceremony but after we all went back to the hotel, she completely let herself go. I don't know what else to do anymore but I don't want her to die! But I don't want to give up!




  1. Get some books on Codependency at the library to read. "Codependent No More" is one such book.

    Also books on Adult Children of Alcoholics..

    "Adult Children Of Alcoholics" is one such book...

    You could also try going to Al Anon or Alateen meetings for adult children and teen children of alcoholics...

    Unfortunately your mother has to WANT to change her life. You cannot be responsible for her happiness or unhappiness...or for her unhealthy choices in lifestyle. You can only change YOU...

  2. Sadly we did an intervention on one of our family memebers as well.  They admitted to also having a problem, but denied treatment when offered.  We don't enable this person anymore to the point to where they are no longer a part of our lives...(this was our decision).  You can't help someone if they them selves don't want the help.  Sorry you are going through all of this...

    we even had to change our phone number because of the 3 a.m. wasted calls!

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