
How do you help stop someone from cutting?

by Guest65599  |  earlier

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he is only 14 and his bros are both gone to war and he can't talk to his mom or dad

how do i help him?

he is kinda like my lil bro so i really want to help him




  1. gotta get him somethin else to take his pain out on or occupy him....go with an xbox or some sports or sumptin better than cutting

  2. The best you can do is be there for him, let him talk it out with you. If you think he is really going to hurt himself, you do need to tell someone. If not his parents, some adult in his life he trusts. That kind of pain isn't going to go away on its own, so you will have to help him.

  3. people dont take this serious anymore because of these emo kids. but yeah you need to help him its more of an addiction than anything. tell him to start by wearing a rubber band on his wrist and snapping it when he wants to cut. it starts to help. I cut for the most part of my life and it helped but it took a long time. I think its different wit girls cuz i one day noticed that i would never wear shorts or tanktops again. so i started to stop and get my life together.good luck

  4. Talk to him if you can, people cut because the pain inside them is so deep they want to make it "real" on the outside, because no one sees the inside, he needs someone to talk to quick. Do his parents know about this?  

  5. ok, i've dealt with so many guys like this too. it's kinda tricky. See i've noticed it's always helped them to let them talk it all out on you. So let him tell you the way he feels as if you were part of his family he could talk to. Basically cutting is a way of showing how to let out there emotions because they have no one to tell how they feel. They don't know how to handle it. So just let him talk to you. and reassure him. be there for him and help him through it all the way.

    Good luck to you!

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