
How do you hide the smell of a male mouse?

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ok so here is the deal, i have a pet mouse, male, and well to put it simple he stinks horrible! is there anything i can do to not make it stink as bad? any advice would be helpful thx




  1. It's a really hard thing to get over, I had male rats and they were really smelly. It's because they spray, however tap-a-drop is great!

    Also clean cage regularly.  

  2. go to animal planet .com

  3. clean his caged more often thats all you can do.  If you cant adjust to the smell then stinky pets arent right for you.  (stinky pets is not meaning anything)

    also try not to smell it as much

    (bathing mice is not safe nor does it work. it makes them overproduce stinky oils which makes them stink more)

  4. 1) Use a healthy bedding with good absorbency and low ammonia emissions (I used hemp bedding of the LifeMate brand that I had at my local WalMart)

    2) Clean the cage once a week. Dump all the bedding, but try to not remove the mice scent (aka, don't wash the cage with soap once a week). Males will pee more all over the place to re-mark their territory if you remove all their smell.

    3) Clean the dirty toys on a regular basis (so basically anything they can climb on and pee on you need to wash about every 2-3 days, especially the wheel if it's solid).

  5. Male mice are just.. stinky guys. :P

    You'll need a good sized wire cage, and you'll need to clean it pretty frequently to make sure the urine smell doesn't build up.  On top of that, having a fan in the room will help, too.  I personally wouldn't use carefresh- it seems to trap smells- but I'd use either aspen, or preferebly something that is really absorbent like Yesterday's news.

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